
234 wiersze
11 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- APRSdroid strings.xml - this file contains strings which need to be translated -->
<string name="app_name">APRSdroid</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="app_prefs">Preferencje APRSdroid</string>
<string name="app_map">Mapa APRSdroid</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="app_hub">APRSdroid Hub</string>
<string name="app_sta">Station Info</string>
2011-07-30 21:58:14 +00:00
<string name="app_messages">Messages</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- APRSdroid activity -->
<string name="firstrun">Należy skonfigurować APRSdroid z znakiem i hasłem!</string>
<string name="wrongpasscode">Hasło nie pasuje do znaku!</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="anon_warning">Without a passcode, your reports will not be propagated!</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<string name="mininterval">Minimalny czas aktualizacji jest 1 minuta!</string>
<string name="singlelog">Pojedynczy Shot</string>
<string name="startlog">Start Tracking</string>
<string name="stoplog">Stop Tracking</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="empty_logview">You have not yet sent or received any packets.\n\n
Press the \"Menu\" button to send a single report or to start tracking your position.\n\n
You can also change the application preferences from the menu.</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<!-- Maps activity -->
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="sta_lastreport">Ostatni raport %s</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="map_track_call">Tracking %s...</string>
<string name="map_loading">Loading...</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<!-- StationInfo activity -->
<string name="sta_ssids">Station SSIDs</string>
<string name="sta_history">Station History</string>
<string name="sta_map">Map</string>
<string name="sta_aprsfi">aprs.fi</string>
<string name="sta_qrzcom">QRZ.com</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
2011-07-30 21:58:14 +00:00
<!-- Conversations activity -->
<string name="msg_send_new">Send message to...</string>
<string name="msg_message_text">Message text</string>
<string name="msg_empty_list">There are no stored conversations.</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- AprsService -->
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="aprsservice">APRSdroid Service</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="service_once">Usługa APRS pojedynczy strzał.</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="service_start">APRS Service started. Updates every %1$d minutes, %2$d km.</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="service_stop">Zatrzymano usługę APRS</string>
2011-07-30 21:58:14 +00:00
<string name="service_no_location">You need to enable either GPS or Network Location for APRSdroid to work properly!</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- first run dialog -->
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="fr_title">Witamy w APRSdroid!</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="fr_text">This software may only be used by licensed amateur radio
<string name="fr_text2">You need to enter your callsign to use this software.
To forward your packets, an APRS-IS passcode is required as well.</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- about dialog -->
<string name="ad_title">O APRSdroid% v s</string>
2011-05-29 12:13:27 +00:00
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2011 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n
APRS® is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)
<string name="ad_gpl">This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
<string name="ad_thanks">Thanks to:</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_0">My YL ♥♥♥</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_1">Michael, DO3BOX: idea</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_2">Dirk, DB5OY: motivation and support</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_3">Bastian, DB1BM: AFSK implementation</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_4">Matti, OH2MQK and John, AB0OO: Java APRS</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="ad_trans">\n\nTłumaczenie:</string>
<string name="ad_homepage">Strona domowa</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<!-- map view -->
<string name="map_overlays">Overlays</string>
<string name="map_satellite">Satellite</string>
<string name="map_objects">APRS Objects</string>
<!-- map view -->
<string name="age">Show last...</string>
<string name="age_30">30 minutes</string>
<string name="age_2h">2 hours</string>
<string name="age_12h">12 hours</string>
<string name="age_1d">1 day</string>
<string name="age_2d">2 days</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- options menu -->
<string name="about">O programie</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="show_hub">Show Hub</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="show_map">Pokaż mapę</string>
<string name="show_log">Show Log</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="clear_log">Clear Log</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<string name="quit">Zakończ</string>
<string name="preferences">Ustawienia</string>
<!-- preferences -->
<string name="p__ham">Radio amatorskie</string>
<string name="p_callsign">Znak</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="p_callsign_nossid">Callsign (without SSID)</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<string name="p_callsign_summary">Twój znak</string>
<string name="p_callsign_entry">Wpisz znak</string>
2011-04-17 14:42:56 +00:00
<string name="p_passcode">APRS-IS Passcode</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_passcode_summary">APRS-IS hasło walidacji</string>
<string name="p_passcode_entry">Wprowadź hasło dla telefonu</string>
<string name="p_passreq">Wymaga hasła</string>
<string name="p_passreq_summary">Wymaga hasła APRS-IS online</string>
<string name="p__aprs">Ustawienia APRS</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<string name="p_ssid">SSID</string>
<string name="p_ssid_summary">typu Statci (1 .. 15; 9 = Mobile, 10 = APRS-IS)</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_ssid_entry">Wprowadź SSID dla twojej stacji</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- array of station types (SSID) -->
<string-array name="p_ssid_e">
2011-05-28 22:55:17 +00:00
<item>(none) Primary Station</item>
<item>1: Generic additional station</item>
<item>2: Generic additional station</item>
<item>3: Generic additional station</item>
<item>4: Generic additional station</item>
<item>5: Other network (D-Star, 3G)</item>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<item>6: Satelita</item>
<item>7: Radio przenośne</item>
<item>8: Łódź / Statek</item>
<item>9: Stacja mobilna</item>
<item>10: APRS-IS (bez radia)</item>
2011-05-28 22:55:17 +00:00
<item>11: Balloon, aircraft, spacecraft</item>
<item>12: APRStt, DTMF, ... (one way)</item>
<item>13: Weather station</item>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<item>14: Pojazd towarowy</item>
2011-05-28 22:55:17 +00:00
<item>15: Generic additional station</item>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_symbol">Symbol APRS</string>
<string name="p_symbol_summary">Twój symbol wyświetlania mapy</string>
<string name="p_symbol_entry">Wprowadź symbol w postaci dwóch znaków</string>
2011-05-28 22:55:17 +00:00
<string name="p_status">Comment field</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_status_summary">Tekst po koordynatach</string>
2011-05-28 22:55:17 +00:00
<string name="p_status_entry">Enter your beacon comment</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p__connection">APRS Connection</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_conntype">Protokół połączenia</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p_conntype_summary">AFSK, HTTP, TCP or UDP</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_conntype_entry">Wybierz protokół połączenia</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p_connsetup">Connection Preferences</string>
<string name="p_connsetup_summary">Configuration of Connection</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00
<!-- array of connection types -->
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p_conn_tcp">Połączenie TCP</string>
<string name="p_conn_udp">UDP (send only)</string>
<string name="p_conn_http">HTTP POST (send only)</string>
<string name="p_conn_afsk">AFSK przez głosnik</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_host">Serwer</string>
<string name="p_host_summary">APRS-IS serwer (port 8080) do wysyłania sygnałów nawigacyjnych</string>
<string name="p_host_entry">Wprowadź nazwę hosta serwera APRS-IS</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p_host_hint">host:port</string>
2011-07-30 21:58:14 +00:00
<string name="p__position">Position Reports</string>
<string name="p__position_summary">Configuration for sending position reports</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p__location">Ustawienia lokacji</string>
<string name="p_interval">Minimalny czas aktualizacji</string>
<string name="p_interval_summary">Minuty pomiędzy transmisjami sygnału</string>
<string name="p_interval_entry">Podaj częstotliwość aktualizacji [min]</string>
<string name="p_distance">Minimalna odległość aktualizacji</string>
<string name="p_distance_summary">Kilometry przed transmisją sygnału nawigacyjnego (0 - tylko czas)</string>
<string name="p_distance_entry">Wprowadź odległośc aktualizacji [km]</string>
<string name="p_speedbrg">Oczekuj prędkość i kierunek</string>
<string name="p_speedbrg_summary">Utrzymuj GPS dłużej, aby uzyskać dokładniejsze dane</string>
<string name="p_netloc">Użyj lokalizacji sieci</string>
<string name="p_netloc_summary">PObierz pozycję z sieci komórkowej</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p_gps">GPS Precision</string>
<string name="p_gps_summary">Battery usage vs. position quality</string>
<string name="p_gps_entry">Please set the GPS Precision</string>
<!-- array of GPS precisions -->
<string name="p_gps_always">High (Always on)</string>
<string name="p_gps_med">Medium</string>
<string name="p_gps_low">Low</string>
2011-07-30 21:58:14 +00:00
<string name="p_keepscreen">Keep screen awake</string>
<string name="p_keepscreen_summary">Do not turn off screen when APRSdroid is in the foreground</string>
<!-- messaging -->
<string name="p__message">Messaging</string>
<string name="p__message_summary">Message transmission and notifications</string>
<string name="p__msg_notify">Message Notification</string>
<string name="p_msg_led">Blinking LED</string>
<string name="p_msg_led_on">LED notifications are on</string>
<string name="p_msg_led_off">LED notifications are off</string>
<string name="p_msg_vibr">Vibration</string>
<string name="p_msg_vibr_on">Vibration notifications are on</string>
<string name="p_msg_vibr_off">Vibration notification are off</string>
<string name="p_msg_ring">Ringtone</string>
<string name="p_msg_ring_summary">Tone for incoming messages</string>
<string name="p__display">Display</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<!-- AFSK settings -->
<string name="p_aprs_path">APRS digi path</string>
<string name="p_aprs_path_hint">hop 1, hop 2, ...</string>
<string name="p_aprs_path_summary">Sequence of digipeaters</string>
<string name="p_aprs_path_entry">Enter the comma separated digi path</string>
2011-05-07 19:01:30 +00:00
<string name="p_afsk_prefix">Frame Sync Prefix</string>
<string name="p_afsk_prefix_summary">No-Op Preamble (e.g. for VOX control)</string>
<string name="p_afsk_prefix_entry">Enter the prefix time [ms]</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<!-- TCP server settings -->
<string name="p_tcp_server_summary">APRS-IS TCP server (port 14580) to contact</string>
2010-12-20 21:50:21 +00:00
<string name="p_filterdist">Promień sąsiada</string>
<string name="p_filterdist_summary">Odbiór pakietów z tej stacji w promieniu</string>
<string name="p_filterdist_entry">Promień do monitorowania pakietów [km]</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="p_filter">Message filter</string>
<string name="p_filter_hint">b/BUDDY o/OBJECT ...</string>
<string name="p_filter_summary">Filter for incoming packets</string>
<string name="p_filter_entry">Enter a filter for incoming messages</string>
<string name="p_filterhelp">Message filter help</string>
<string name="p_filterhelp_summary">Online reference for APRS-IS filters</string>
2011-04-26 16:38:51 +00:00
<string name="p_sotimeout">TCP socket timeout</string>
<string name="p_sotimeout_summary">Time before resetting the connection</string>
<string name="p_sotimeout_entry">Timeout value in seconds (0 = disable)</string>
2011-03-07 19:34:33 +00:00
<string name="translator_credits">Launchpad Contributions:
Adam Czabara https://launchpad.net/~adam-czabara
andy https://launchpad.net/~info-funk24</string>
2010-05-11 14:31:18 +00:00