DUC-DDC Трансивер Wolf-Lite Community telegram channel: https://t.me/Wolf_lite

Zaktualizowano 2022-05-18 14:47:32 +00:00

Transceiver "Wolf". DDC-DUC SDR Tranceiver project https://ua3reo.ru/tag/transiver-ua3reo/

Zaktualizowano 2024-02-02 14:36:00 +00:00

LCD IPS ST7789V 1.14" RGB + EPS32 : https://myduino.com/product/tgo-007/

Zaktualizowano 2023-03-13 09:17:12 +00:00

PineDio LoRa drivers PineDio is the new LoRa-based product range at Pine64. This project implements a C++ driver for the LoRa USB adapter and the Pinephone backplate.

Zaktualizowano 2022-11-15 19:28:48 +00:00

This is a simple, inexpensive, transmitter and full-feature controller for conducting ARDF Foxoring competitions.

Zaktualizowano 2020-08-12 23:39:19 +00:00

Moonstream is a product which helps anyone participate in decentralized finance.

Zaktualizowano 2024-07-26 17:14:47 +00:00

Mastodon usage - counting toots with DuckDB

Zaktualizowano 2023-04-28 10:17:31 +00:00

This is a collection of learning resources organized by topics, formats, difficulty levels, and quality tags like visual / interactive / challenging etc.

Zaktualizowano 2023-12-05 03:51:52 +00:00

A GUI for ESP8266 flash tool esptool-ck with basic features, geared towards being a production flashing tool.

Zaktualizowano 2022-09-19 22:19:04 +00:00

Moonstream helps you manage all aspects of your decentralized applications, from whitelisting to authorization to monitoring to product analytics.

Zaktualizowano 2023-08-21 15:54:06 +00:00