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Safe Cycling Map

Zoom in to see individual lanes, zoom out a little to see street safety.

Warning: This is an arbitrary rating system. Data is not guaranteed to be accurate.

This map uses OpenStreetMap data. It is not a complete or accurate map of the world and should not be used in such a manner that deficiencies, omissions, inaccuracies or errors could result in death, loss or injury. The maps are an iterative ongoing work-in-progress and everyone is welcome to contribute editing the OpenStreetMap data if you spot inaccuracies. (warning courtesy of CyclOSM)

See the README at for how to fix the data (or propose improvments to the safety rating system).


Safe streets - green

  • Speed is less than or equal to 30kph
  • Is a living street
  • Is a separated cycleway
  • Is a cycle lane separated from the road
  • Is a shared path (bikes + pedestrians allowed)

More dangerous streets

  • Road has a speed limit less than 40kph and greater than 30kmh
  • Has an on road, painted (non-separated) bike lane

Dangerous streets

  • Speed is higher than 40kmh
  • Road is a residental street with default speed limit (50kph)

TODO: Banned streets

Currently banned streets (eg. motorways/Sydney Harbour Bridge) are currently displayed as red.