Before Updating
Before doing an update on your Cloudlog-installation please make a backup of your existing installation. During the update-process some configuration-files could be reset to defaults so you have a backup to reenter your settings into the new configuration-file.
Update Process
Updating via ZIP-File
One way to update an existing installation of Cloudlog is to download the and copy it's content over the existing files (after doing a backup as mentioned above). Second step would be to take a look at your old application/config/cloudlog.php and compare it with the actual one to enter your changes back into this file.
Updating via git pull-command
Another way (and in my eyes the way you should prefer) is to issue the git pull
-command and update it via the git-mechanism. Here you should also create a backup before. Second step here would also be to take a look at your old application/config/cloudlog.php and compare it with the actual one to enter your changes back into this file.
- Installation on Linux server
- Installation on Windows server
- Updating Cloudlog
- Hints & Tips
- cloudlog.php Config
User Options
- Station Locations
- Radio Interface
- ADIF Import / Export
- Logbook of The World
- eQSL
- Print Requested QSLs
- Clublog Upload
- QRZ Logbook
- KML Export
Logbook / Callbook Integrations
- Callbook (HamQTH, QRZ) Integration
- Club Log Integration
- QRZ Logbook
- WSJT X Integration
- Third Party Tools