23 Recommended Cron Jobs
Peter Goodhall edytuje tę stronę 2024-06-28 16:03:19 +01:00

Some Cloudlog tasks are best performed on a regular schedule to keep things running smoothly. To avoid having an administrator do these tasks repeatedly you can set up cron jobs to do so automatically. Here is a recommended set of cron jobs to get started:

# Update the Cloudlog installation every day at midnight
0 0 * * * /bin/bash -c "<Full-Path-To-Bash-Script>/cloudlog.sh"

# Upload QSOs to Club Log (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
3 */6 * * * curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/clublog/upload &>/dev/null

# Upload QSOs to LoTW if certs have been provided every hour.
0 */1 * * * curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/lotw/lotw_upload &>/dev/null

# Upload QSOs to QRZ Logbook (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
6 */6 * * * curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/qrz/upload &>/dev/null

# Download QSOs from QRZ Logbook (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
18 */6 * * * curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/qrz/download &>/dev/null

# Upload QSOs to HRD Logbook (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
12 */6 * * * curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/hrdlog/upload &>/dev/null

# Upload/download QSOs to/from Eqsl (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
9 */6 * * * curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/eqsl/sync &>/dev/null

# Update LOTW Users Activity
# Update only once a week as data is only provided weekly at ~ 1000z Sundays
10 1 * * 1 curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/update/lotw_users &>/dev/null

# Update Clublog SCP Database File
@weekly curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/update/update_clublog_scp &>/dev/null

# Update DOK File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/update/update_dok &>/dev/null

# Update SOTA File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/update/update_sota &>/dev/null

# Update WWFF File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/update/update_wwff &>/dev/null

# Update POTA File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent https://<URL-To-Cloudlog>/index.php/update/update_pota &>/dev/null

These jobs complete the following tasks for Cloudlog:

  • Update Cloudlog at midnight every day.
  • Sync to Club Log, QRZ and HRDLog every 6 hours (you could reduce this amount of time, but this function is not using Club Log's realtime API, so keep it sensible)
  • Update the Logbook of the World (LoTW) active users data every week.
  • Update the Club Log SCP file.
  • Update the DOK File for autocomplete. It is not recommended to run this too often, as it is not updated very often.
  • Update the SOTA File for autocomplete. It is not recommended to run this too often, as it is not updated very often.
  • Update the WWFF File for autocomplete. It is not recommended to run this too often, as it is not updated very often.