Chrome Browser (Windows Desktop) Shortcut
If you use Google Chrome to use Cloudlog you can create a desktop shortcut with the following properties
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app="<URL-To-Cloudlog>"
This will open a browser window with no menu, address bar and tabs giving you a kind of desktop feel to your logging.
If you want to host your Cloudlog in China mainland
ICP record number
Due to legal requirements in China mainland, all websites hosted in China mainland should post its ICP record number. You may edit ./application/views/interface_assets/footer.php
to add the required information for website registration.
Map Provider
Another issue is that the default map provider of Cloudlog does not have a license in China mainland. To avoid potential risk, a map provider with map review number like Tianditu/Baidu Map/AutoNavi will become a much better selection.
To change the default provider, you may have to update the value of row map_tile_server
of table option
in the database
- Installation on Linux server
- Installation on Windows server
- Updating Cloudlog
- Hints & Tips
- cloudlog.php Config
User Options
- Station Locations
- Radio Interface
- ADIF Import / Export
- Logbook of The World
- eQSL
- Print Requested QSLs
- Clublog Upload
- QRZ Logbook
- KML Export
Logbook / Callbook Integrations
- Callbook (HamQTH, QRZ) Integration
- Club Log Integration
- QRZ Logbook
- WSJT X Integration
- Third Party Tools