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List of occ commands

./occ social:cache:refresh

Command is used to refresh the cache. Refreshing the cache means:

  • fully recreate Actor Cache for local users
  • recreate Actor Cache for remote users with cache older than 24h
  • cache document in queue

Cache refreshing is done ever 15 minutes using the cron from Nextcloud

./occ social:note:create

Command test to create post.

  • --replyTo[=REPLYTO] in reply to an existing thread (id of the post)
  • --to[=TO] mentioning people (tag someone, or recipient for a direct message
  • --type[=TYPE] type: public (default), followers, unlisted, direct

ex: ./occ social:note:create --to --type direct "A message to you"

./occ social:queue:process

Process the request queue. Only a small part of request are done directly when using the Social app. Most of the requests are done in a background process. This command will try to execute all awaiting requests.

./occ social:queue:status

This command returns details about queued requests for a specific command. Decentralized network means that every remote instance of ActivityPub needs to be updated on action that might affect them in one of those way:

  • Remote instances with users that are following a user of your instance.
  • Reply to a message from another instance.
  • Direct message to a user from another instance.

When an action is done, a token is returned. Most of the time this token can be find in the Javascript console log of the browser:

./occ social:queue:status --token be63ae0e-ecf4-4386-b645-8a41769de6c6

./occ social:reset

Reset all data from the Social App. This is a destructive action. After the reset, the command allows the admin to change the base cloud address, which is used to identify your instance of ActivityPub.

./occ fulltextsearch:test