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Creating a New Builder for jupyter-repo2docker


Repo2Docker uses s2i to turn a git repository into a Docker image. The image:

  • may be used with Jupyter notebooks, including via JupyterHub
  • includes the contents of the source git repo

This process is handled via an s2i builder. A builder contains two components:

  1. the s2i builder image, which turns GitHub repos into docker images
  2. the BuildPack object in repo2docker/, which detects which builder to use based on the source repo contents, and then invokes the appropriate, matching builder image

Making a new s2i builder

  1. Choose a name for a new builder, buildername. Typically, the buildername will correspond to a package manager name.

    For example, let's choose npm as the buildername.

  2. To get started creating a builder, run the s2i create command. From the s2i-builders directory, run:

    s2i create jupyterhub/repo2docker-{buildername} {buildername}
    # Example `s2i create` command where {buildername} is npm
    s2i create jupyterhub/repo2docker-npm npm
  3. To build the image, in the newly created s2i-builders/{buildername} directory (or s2i-builders/npm directory for the example), run:


    This step creates a Dockerfile.

Modifying the Dockerfile

You can modify your Dockerfile and fill out the docker build, as you want. There are two files that may be edited:

  1. The Dockerfile for the builder itself The Dockerfile is used to create the base builder image (e.g. installing the base runtime environment).

  2. The s2i/bin/assemble script The s2i/bin/assemble script is run when creating each new image from a given repository (e.g. pulling in repo-specific dependencies and repo contents).

You can view the existing s2i-builders in this repo for examples to reference.

Adding the BuildPack

Once you builder image is finished, you need to add a Buildpack to run your builds and to make sure that your new builder is used on the appropriate source repos.

  1. Define your BuildPack class in In most cases, you only need to implement two things if you subclass S2IBuildPack:
  • the detect method to determine whether a repo should choose your BuildPack
  • setting the build_image attribute, either via config or during the .detect() method
  1. Finally, to get the builder application to use your BuildPack, add it to the buildpacks list in

  2. Once everything above is done, you should be able to build a repo by specifying a source repo URL with this command:

    python -m repo2docker