# Creating a New Builder for jupyter-repo2docker ## Overview Repo2Docker uses [s2i][] to turn a git repository into a Docker image. The image: - may be used with Jupyter notebooks, including via JupyterHub - includes the contents of the source git repo This process is handled via an [s2i][] **builder**. A builder contains two components: 1. the **s2i builder image**, which turns GitHub repos into docker images 2. the **BuildPack object** in `repo2docker/detectors.py`, which detects which builder to use based on the source repo contents, and then invokes the appropriate, matching builder image [s2i]: https://github.com/openshift/source-to-image/blob/master/docs/builder_image.md ## Making a new s2i builder 1. Choose a name for a new builder, `buildername`. Typically, the `buildername` will correspond to a package manager name. For example, let's choose `npm` as the `buildername`. 2. To get started creating a builder, run the `s2i create` command. From the `s2i-builders` directory, run: ```bash s2i create jupyterhub/repo2docker-{buildername} {buildername} # Example `s2i create` command where {buildername} is npm s2i create jupyterhub/repo2docker-npm npm ``` 3. To build the image, in the newly created `s2i-builders/{buildername}` directory (or `s2i-builders/npm` directory for the example), run: ```bash make ``` This step creates a `Dockerfile`. ## Modifying the Dockerfile You can modify your `Dockerfile` and fill out the `docker build`, as you want. There are two files that may be edited: 1. **The `Dockerfile` for the builder itself** The `Dockerfile` is used to create the base builder image (e.g. installing the base runtime environment). 2. **The `s2i/bin/assemble` script** The `s2i/bin/assemble` script is run when creating each new image from a given repository (e.g. pulling in repo-specific dependencies and repo contents). You can view the existing s2i-builders in this repo for examples to reference. ## Adding the BuildPack Once you builder image is finished, you need to add a Buildpack to run your builds and to make sure that your new builder is used on the appropriate source repos. 1. Define your BuildPack class in `detectors.py`. In most cases, you only need to implement two things if you subclass `S2IBuildPack`: - the `detect` method to determine whether a repo should choose your BuildPack - setting the `build_image` attribute, either via config or during the `.detect()` method 2. Finally, to get the builder application to use your BuildPack, add it to the `buildpacks` list in `app.py`. 3. Once everything above is done, you should be able to build a repo by specifying a source repo URL with this command: ```bash python -m repo2docker https://github.com/yourname/your-repo ```