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Relatica Developer Notes
Relatica is written with Flutter. Please follow the install instructions for your platform to get started with development.
Linux Development
For Linux development be sure that libmpv-dev, mpv, libsecret-1-dev and libjsoncpp-dev are installed on the machine. Also the ObjectBox library requires a more recent version of CMake than what is packaged in the standard Flutter Snap install instructions. To get this working correctly on Linux you will have to do the manual installation version of the Flutter install instructions.
Additional Build Steps
Whenever a model is changed that is stored in ObjectBox it is necessary to execute the command:
flutter pub run build_runner build
Whenever building for deployment on a Linux machine you need to manually copy the libobjectbox.so library file into the bundle's lib folder before zipping up. This issue has been filed with the ObjectBox team to address: https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/issues/504