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# Cosmic Unicorn MicroPython Examples <!-- omit in toc -->
- [About Cosmic Unicorn](#about-cosmic-unicorn)
- [Cosmic Unicorn and PicoGraphics](#cosmic-unicorn-and-picographics)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Clock](#clock)
- [Eighties Super Computer](#eighties-super-computer)
- [Feature Test](#feature-test)
- [Feature Test With Audio](#feature-test-with-audio)
- [Fire Effect](#fire-effect)
- [Lava Lamp](#lava-lamp)
- [Nostalgia Prompt](#nostalgia-prompt)
- [Rainbow](#rainbow)
- [Scrolling Text](#scrolling-text)
- [Today](#today)
- [Wireless Examples](#wireless-examples)
- [Cheerlights History](#cheerlights-history)
- [Cosmic Paint](#cosmic-paint)
- [Exchange Ticker](#exchange-ticker)
- [HTTP Text](#http-text)
- [Weather](#weather)
- [NumPy examples](#numpy-examples)
- [Other Examples](#other-examples)
- [Launch (Demo Reel)](#launch-demo-reel)
- [Other Resources](#other-resources)
## About Cosmic Unicorn
Cosmic Unicorn offers 32x32 bright RGB LEDs driven by Pico W's PIO in addition to a 1W amplifier + speaker, a collection of system and user buttons, and two Qw/ST connectors for adding external sensors and devices. Woha!
- :link: [Cosmic Unicorn store page](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/cosmic-unicorn)
Cosmic Unicorn ships with MicroPython firmware pre-loaded, but you can download the most recent version at the link below (you'll want the `cosmic-unicorn` image).
- [MicroPython releases](https://github.com/pimoroni/pimoroni-pico/releases)
- [Installing MicroPython](../../../setting-up-micropython.md)
## Cosmic Unicorn and PicoGraphics
The easiest way to start displaying cool stuff on Cosmic Unicorn is using our Cosmic Unicorn module (which contains a bunch of helpful functions for interacting with the buttons, adjusting brightness and suchlike) and our PicoGraphics library, which is chock full of useful functions for drawing on the LED matrix.
- [Cosmic Unicorn function reference](../../modules/cosmic_unicorn/README.md)
- [PicoGraphics function reference](../../modules/picographics/README.md)
## Examples
### Clock
Clock example with (optional) NTP synchronization. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -, and resync the time by pressing A.
### Eighties Super Computer
Random LEDs blink on and off mimicing the look of a movie super computer doing its work in the eighties. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Feature Test
Displays some text, gradients and colours and demonstrates button use. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Feature Test With Audio
Displays some text, gradients and colours and demonstrates button use. Also demonstrates some of the audio / synth features.
- Button A plays a synth tune
- Button B plays a solo channel of the synth tune
- Button C plays a sinewave (it's frequency can be adjusted with VOL + and -)
- Button D plays a second sinewave (it's frequency can be adjusted with LUX + and -)
- Sleep button stops the sounds
### Fire Effect
A pretty, procedural fire effect. Switch between landscape fire and vertical fire using the A and B buttons! You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Lava Lamp
A 70s-tastic, procedural rainbow lava lamp. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Nostalgia Prompt
A collection of copies of classic terminal styles including C64, MS-DOS, Spectrum, and more. Images and text are drawn pixel by pixel from a pattern of Os and Xs. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Rainbow
Some good old fashioned rainbows! You can adjust the cycling speed with A and B, stripe width with C and D, hue with VOL + and -, and the brightness with LUX + and -. The sleep button stops the animation (can be started again with A or B).
### Scrolling Text
Display scrolling wisdom, quotes or greetz. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Today
Calendar example with (optional) NTP synchronization. You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -, and resync the date by pressing C.
## Wireless Examples
These examples need `WIFI_CONFIG.py` and `network_manager.py` (from the `common` directory) to be saved to your Pico W. Open up `WIFI_CONFIG.py` in Thonny to add your wifi details (and save it when you're done).
- [micropython/examples/common](../../examples/common)
### Cheerlights History
Updates one pixel every two minutes to display the most recent #Cheerlights colour. Discover the most popular colours over time, or use it as an avant garde (but colourful) 32 hour clock! Find out more about the Cheerlights API at https://cheerlights.com/
You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
### Cosmic Paint
Draw on your Cosmic Unicorn from another device in real time, over wifi!
This example needs the `micropython-phew` and `microdot` libraries (you can install these using Thonny's 'Tools > Manage Packages').
### Exchange Ticker
This example uses the Coinbase open API to collect the current exchange rates of various cryptocurrencies.
Press A to change to a different base exchange currency.
### HTTP Text
Display scrolling wisdom, quotes or greetz... from another computer or device!
You can adjust the brightness with LUX + and -.
Requires `logging.mpy` and `tinyweb` from [micropython/examples/common](../../examples/common) - copy these into the `lib` folder on your Pico W. You'll also need `index.html` to be saved alongside `html_text.py`.
### Weather
Display current weather data from the [Open-Meteo](https://open-meteo.com/) weather API.
## NumPy examples
The examples in the folder use `numpy`-like array functions contained in the `ulab` library for super fast graphical effects.
## Other Examples
### Launch (Demo Reel)
If you want to get the demo reel that Cosmic Unicorn ships with back, copy the contents of this `launch` folder to your Pico W.
## Other Resources
Here are some cool Cosmic Unicorn community projects and resources that you might find useful / inspirational! Note that code at the links below has not been tested by us and we're not able to offer support with it.
- :link: [Green Energy Display with Cosmic Unicorn](https://www.hackster.io/andreas-motzek/clock-and-green-energy-display-with-cosmic-unicorn-641dcb)
- :link: [cosmic-emoji-react - paint emojis from a computer, phone or tablet](https://github.com/chriscareycode/cosmic-unicorn/tree/main/cosmic-emoji-react)
- :link: [cosmic-paste - paste images from the clipboard to Cosmic Unicorn](https://github.com/chriscareycode/cosmic-unicorn/tree/main/cosmic-paste)