* Trims SSD drives, flushes cache before each performance test. Unfortunately these are still incomplete -- need to use real hardware machines for all these to take effect.
* A bit more output in PR updater
* Adds a script to downloads multiple areas and compute their test parameters
* added a large test that uses a combined 76MB file with equatorial-guinea, liechtenstein, district-of-columbia, greater-london
* cache wikidata downloads
`master-tools` branch is the same as `master` branch, except that it uses `latest` from the tools repo. This allows us to quickly track if master is compiling correct.
Update to tools v5. See https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools/releases/tag/v5.0.0 for the list of all changes. Other OMT-repo specific changes:
* removes `import-osm` docker usage, replacing it with `openmaptiles-tools`
* quickstart builds faster because it uses postgres with preloaded water, natural earth, and lake centerlines tables.
### Makefile targets
* `tools-dev` will open a shell in a docker to experiment and debug (instead of `import-sql-dev` and `import-osm-dev`)
* separated `start-maputnik` from `start-postserve`
* renamed `clean-docker` into `db-destroy` to make it more explicit
* cleaner `db-start`, `db-stop`, `db-destroy` targets
* `db-start-preloaded` is the same as `db-start`, except that it uses `postgis-preloaded` -- an image with preloaded water, natural-earth, and lake centerline data
* `db-start` will not recreate the container if it already exists -- this way if it was started as preloaded, it will not be rebuilt.
* better output messages
### Quickstart
* uses `postgis-preloaded` image by default to make quickstart quicker. To start with a clean db, pass 2 parameters to quickstart, e.g. `./quickstart.sh albania empty`
Include closed PRs in the update cycle, because there could be a case that PR got closed before the job had a chance to finish, and we should still update it.
Results now show a table of how long each step took, as well as the PG database size change.
* use `time` to compute profiling for each step
* call postgres to get database size
Build on top of PR #755, to be merged first.
Since we want every thing from osm_building_polygon (osm_id >= 0 and osm_id < 0), we can merge the two queries.
Note: the obp.osm_id >= 0 on the left join only apply to the left join part.
Turned out that some update jobs failed due to
"message": "Bad credentials",
"documentation_url": "https://developer.github.com/v3"
This is probably due to credentials expiring (long workflow startup?),
or some internal github issue.
For now, removing authenticated `curl` calls because most
of them can be done anonymously, and keeping them only when needed.
* delete output escaping (forgot to remove it -- was used for the older system)
* stop early if there are no pull requests (e.g. in case this is a fork)
A cron-based approach to find pull requests, possibly from forks,
that finished profiling, and post their results as comments.
See in-depth explanation of how this works at
* On pull request and on commit, run base test followed by the test of the change,
comparing the results, and publishing the results to the Pull Request.
If the pull request is updated, the resulting comment will be updated.
* also save quickstart.log as an artifact
Note that due to GitHub workflow security restrictions, it is not possible to post PR comments if the change originated from a fork. I am still looking for workarounds.
To view what would have been posted, in the build results at the bottom, open `PR performance` details, and expand the ` Comment on Pull Request` (and its subitem).
Optimizations: the process keeps two caches -- one for the data test file, and one for the results of the performance run for the "base" revision. If this or other PR has been executed for the same revision and the same test data, performance test will only run for the proposed changes, not for the base.
Co-authored-by: Tomas Pohanka <TomPohys@gmail.com>
* allow postgres image to be overwritten with an env var
* allow DIFF_MODE var to be overwritten with an env var
* add /mapping and /cache dirs into tools image
* make `build-sql` target explicit rather than relying on a filename
* `tools-dev` will open a shell in a docker to experiment and debug (instead of `import-sql-dev` and `import-osm-dev`)
* separated `start-maputnik` from `start-postserve`
* renamed `clean-docker` into `db-destroy` to make it more explicit
* cleaner `db-start`, `db-stop`, `db-destroy` targets
* better output messages
Reorder POI data update and trigger creation to avoid refresh of materialized view after update done by initial import.
I checked the other updates and there are OK.
This is a partial migration of https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles/pull/785
* Use `import-data` instead of `import-lakelines`, `import-water`, and `import-natural-earth`
* Upgrade docker-compose.yml to version 2.3 (allows some extra env var usage in yaml file itself)
* Remove `openmaptiles-tools:latest` usage -- no longer needed, can use current version 4.1
* `db-start` does not do a container recreation in case docker-compose.yml definition has changed.
* a few minor cleanups in quickstart.sh
- Add `download-osmfr` and `download-bbbike` targets
- Port `DC_OPTS` to Windows
- Use make conditions instead of shell. Also simplifies `make -n` output
- Use remote Docker machine's IP, if defined, rather than `localhost` in `http://...` messages. Also applicable for Docker Toolbox for Windows.
- Align texts in `make help` output
- Update and bug-fix in `make remove-docker-images`
Mark waterway and transoprtation_name as having a dependency on another layer.
This is currently an unused parameter, but tools will use it later for faster
sql code generation.
@zstadler, thank you for PR.
Add `boundary=protected_area` parks
No performance impact, a very slight increase in size, but with a very good impact on features completeness.
The implementation adds the `DC_PROJECT` parameter. It can also be set by an environment variable in the hosting shell. The environment variable can be overwritten by a make parameter, including `DC_PROJECT=` which restores the automatic project name.
#### _NOTE:_
It may be worthwhile to review the following make targets that are currently not impacted by the PR:
- `make start-postserve`
- `make list-docker-images`
- `make remove-docker-images`
- `make docker-unnecessary-clean`
This PR was suggested by @nyurik:
> zstadler 3:30 PM
Is it possible to run two instances of openmaptiles, and the postgis container in particular, on the same Linux host?
nyurik 4:17 PM
use docker-compose --project-name -- that should allow you to run everything in parallel
might need to update make file
btw, that would be a good PR for makefile -- to specify --project-name based on the current DIR name, but so that it can be overwritten by a makefile param
Co-authored-by: Yuri Astrakhan <yuriastrakhan@gmail.com>
import-wikidata should run before import-sql, and v4.1 allows for that.
Also it optimizes the wd_names table to just be a simple Wikidata ID -> labels lookup, with a proper index.
Minor other changes:
* `test-perf-null` target is now part of the Makefile
* `./data/osmstat.txt` is no longer created
* area download file now in this format: `${osm_area}-latest.osm.pbf`