PR workflow - error reporting and cleanup (#836)

optimize a bit the CI workflow PR commenting logic
to avoid some errors and better debugging messages.
Yuri Astrakhan 2020-04-28 15:37:07 -04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic f030f7ace7
commit e037b5a7f6
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 69 dodań i 39 usunięć

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@ -48,13 +48,30 @@ jobs:
# Parse current pull requests
# Get all open pull requests, most recently updated first
# (this way we don't need to page through all of them)
# Filter out PRs that are older than X minutes
# Filter out PRs that are older than $IGNORE_PRS_OLDER_THAN minutes
# Result is an object, mapping a "key" to the pull request number:
# {
# "nyurik/openmaptiles/nyurik-patch-1/4953dd2370b9988a7832d090b5e47b3cd867f594": 6,
# ...
# }
crl "$GITHUB_API/pulls?state=open&sort=updated&direction=desc" \
map(select((now - (.updated_at|fromdate)) / 60 < ($IGNORE_PRS_OLDER_THAN | tonumber)))
# Only select open unlocked pull requests updated within last $IGNORE_PRS_OLDER_THAN minutes
select(.state=="open" and .locked==false
and (now - (.updated_at|fromdate)) / 60 < ($IGNORE_PRS_OLDER_THAN | tonumber))
# Prepare for "from_entries" by creating a key/value object
# The key is a combination of repository name, branch name, and latest SHA
| { key: (.head.repo.full_name + "/" + .head.ref + "/" + .head.sha), value: .number }
| from_entries
# Count how many pull requests we should process, and exit early if there are none
@ -66,53 +83,53 @@ jobs:
echo "$PR_COUNT pull requests have been updated in the last $IGNORE_PRS_OLDER_THAN minutes"
# Resolve workflow name into workflow ID
WORKFLOW_ID="$(crl "$GITHUB_API/actions/workflows" \
.workflows[] | select(.name == $WORKFLOW_NAME) | .id
if [ -z "$WORKFLOW_ID" ]; then
echo "Unable to find workflow '$WORKFLOW_NAME' in $GITHUB_REPOSITORY"
exit 1
echo "Resolved workflow '$WORKFLOW_NAME' to ID $WORKFLOW_ID"
# Match pull requests with the workflow runs
# Get all workflow runs that were triggered by pull requests
WORKFLOW_PR_RUNS="$(crl "$GITHUB_API/actions/workflows/${WORKFLOW_ID}/runs?event=pull_request")"
# Create an object mapping a "key" to the pull request number
# {
# "nyurik/openmaptiles/nyurik-patch-1/4953dd2370b9988a7832d090b5e47b3cd867f594": 6,
# ...
# }
# Only select open unlocked pull requests updated within last $IGNORE_RUNS_OLDER_THAN minutes
select(.state=="open" and .locked==false
and (now - (.updated_at|fromdate)) / 60 < ($IGNORE_RUNS_OLDER_THAN | tonumber))
# Prepare for "from_entries" by creating a key/value object
# The key is a combination of repository name, branch name, and latest SHA
| { key: (.head.repo.full_name + "/" + .head.ref + "/" + .head.sha), value: .number }
| from_entries
' <( echo "$OPEN_PULL_REQUESTS" ))"
# For each workflow run, match it with the open pull request to get the PR number
# A match is based on "source repository + branch + SHA" key
# In rare cases (e.g. force push to an older revision), there could be more than one match
# for a given PR number, so just use the most recent one.
# Result is a bash style list (one per line) of <pull_request_number> <job_number> pairs
PR_JOB_MAP="$(jq -r '
# second input is the pull request map - use it to lookup PR numbers
| .workflow_runs
| map(
# Create a new object with the relevant values
id, updated_at,
# lookup PR number from $PULL_REQUEST_MAP based on the "key":
# source repository + branch + SHA ==> PR number
pr_number: $PULL_REQUEST_MAP[.head_repository.full_name + "/" + .head_branch + "/" + .head_sha],
# was this a sucessful run?
# create lookup key based on source repository + branch + SHA
key: (.head_repository.full_name + "/" + .head_branch + "/" + .head_sha),
# was this a successful run?
# do not include .conclusion=="success" because errors could also post messages
success: (.status=="completed")
# lookup PR number from $OPEN_PULL_REQUESTS based on the "key" ==> PR number
| . += { pr_number: $OPEN_PULL_REQUESTS[.key] }
# Remove runs that were not in the list of the PRs
| select(.pr_number)
@ -121,20 +138,30 @@ jobs:
| map(
| last
# If the most recent run did not succeed, ignore it
| select(.success)
# If the most recent run did not succeed, or if the run is too old, ignore it
| select(.success and (now - (.updated_at|fromdate)) / 60 < ($IGNORE_RUNS_OLDER_THAN | tonumber))
# Keep just the pull request number mapping to run ID
| [ .pr_number, .id ]
| [ .pr_number, .id, .key ]
| .[]
| @sh
' <( echo "$WORKFLOW_PR_RUNS" ) <( echo "$PULL_REQUEST_MAP" ) )"
' <( echo "$WORKFLOW_PR_RUNS" ) <( echo "$OPEN_PULL_REQUESTS" ) )"
# Iterate over the found pairs of PR number + run ID
echo "$PR_JOB_MAP" | \
while read PR_NUMBER RUN_ID; do
echo "Processing workflow run #$RUN_ID for pull request #$PR_NUMBER ..."
# Count how many jobs we should process, and exit early if there are none
JOBS_COUNT="$(jq 'length' <( echo "$PR_JOB_MAP" ) )"
if [ "$JOBS_COUNT" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "There are no recent workflow job runs in the last $IGNORE_RUNS_OLDER_THAN minutes. Exiting."
echo "$JOBS_COUNT '$WORKFLOW_NAME' jobs have been updated in the last $IGNORE_RUNS_OLDER_THAN minutes"
# Iterate over the found pairs of PR number + run ID, and update them all
echo "$PR_JOB_MAP" | jq -r '.[] | @sh' | \
while read -r PR_NUMBER RUN_ID RUN_KEY; do
echo "Processing '$WORKFLOW_NAME' run #$RUN_ID for pull request #$PR_NUMBER $RUN_KEY..."
ARTIFACTS="$(crl "$GITHUB_API/actions/runs/$RUN_ID/artifacts")"
# Find the artifact download URL for the artifact with the expected name
@ -152,11 +179,14 @@ jobs:
echo "Downloading artifact $ARTIFACT_URL (assuming single text file per artifact)..."
MESSAGE="$(crl "$ARTIFACT_URL" | gunzip)"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$MESSAGE" ]; then
if ! MESSAGE="$(crl "$ARTIFACT_URL" | gunzip)"; then
echo "Unable to download or parse message from artifact '$MSG_ARTIFACT_NAME' in workflow $RUN_ID (PR #$PR_NUMBER), skipping..."
if [ -z "$MESSAGE" ]; then
echo "Empty message in artifact '$MSG_ARTIFACT_NAME' in workflow $RUN_ID (PR #$PR_NUMBER), skipping..."
# Create a message body by appending a magic header
# and stripping any starting and ending whitespace from the original message