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# TTGO T-Display
## 1.Install the following dependency library files:
- [TFT_eSPI](
- [Button2](
## 2.TFT_eSPI settings
- Install TFT_eSPI, in `TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h`, comment out the default settings `#include <User_Setup.h>` , select `#include <User_Setups/Setup25_TTGO_T_Display.h>` , Save Settings.
* Like the picture below
## 3.Board choose
- The board can choose `ESP32 Dev Module`, other settings can keep the default
## Pinout
| Name | V18 |
| ---------- | ------ |
| TFT Driver | ST7789 |
| TFT_MISO | N/A |
| TFT_MOSI | 19 |
| TFT_SCLK | 18 |
| TFT_CS | 5 |
| TFT_DC | 16 |
| TFT_RST | N/A |
| TFT_BL | 4 |
| I2C_SDA | 21 |
| I2C_SCL | 22 |
| ADC_IN | 34 |
| BUTTON1 | 35 |
| BUTTON2 | 0 |
| ADC Power | 14 |
* The TFT_eSPI and Button2 libraries have been synchronized to the main branch