Repetier-Firmware  0.91
Commands Class Reference

#include <Commands.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void commandLoop ()
static void checkForPeriodicalActions ()
static void executeGCode (GCode *com)
 Execute the command stored in com.
static void waitUntilEndOfAllMoves ()
 Waits until movement cache is empty.
static void printCurrentPosition ()
static void printTemperatures (bool showRaw=false)
static void setFanSpeed (int speed, bool wait)
static void changeFeedrateMultiply (int factorInPercent)
 Set fan speed 0..255.
static void changeFlowateMultiply (int factorInPercent)
static void reportPrinterUsage ()
static void emergencyStop ()
static void checkFreeMemory ()
static void writeLowestFreeRAM ()

Static Private Attributes

static int lowestRAMValue = MAX_RAM
static int lowestRAMValueSend = MAX_RAM

Member Function Documentation

void changeFeedrateMultiply ( int  factorInPercent) [static]

Set fan speed 0..255.

void changeFlowateMultiply ( int  factorInPercent) [static]
void checkForPeriodicalActions ( ) [static]
void checkFreeMemory ( ) [static]
void commandLoop ( ) [static]
void emergencyStop ( ) [static]
void executeGCode ( GCode com) [static]

Execute the command stored in com.

void printCurrentPosition ( ) [static]
void printTemperatures ( bool  showRaw = false) [static]
void reportPrinterUsage ( ) [static]
void setFanSpeed ( int  speed,
bool  wait 
) [static]
void waitUntilEndOfAllMoves ( ) [static]

Waits until movement cache is empty.

Some commands expect no movement, before they can execute. This function waits, until the steppers are stopped. In the meanwhile it buffers incoming commands and manages temperatures.

void writeLowestFreeRAM ( ) [static]

Field Documentation

int lowestRAMValue = MAX_RAM [static, private]
int lowestRAMValueSend = MAX_RAM [static, private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Friends Defines