
9.9 KiB


Example task:

  "id": 134,
  "project": 27,
  "processing_node": 10,
  "processing_node_name": "localhost:3000",
  "images_count": 48,
  "can_rerun_from": [],
  "available_assets": [
  "uuid": "4338d684-91b4-49a2-b907-8ba171894393",
  "name": "Task Name",
  "processing_time": 2197417,
  "auto_processing_node": false,
  "status": 40,
  "last_error": null,
  "options": [
      "name": "use-opensfm-pointcloud",
      "value": true
  "ground_control_points": null,
  "created_at": "2017-02-18T18:01:55.402551Z",
  "pending_action": null

A Task is the basic processing unit of WebODM. To compute an orthophoto, point cloud and textured model from a set of images, you need to create a Task.

Field Type Description
id int Unique identifier
project int Project ID the task belongs to
processing_node int The ID of the Processing Node this task has been assigned to, or null if no Processing Node has been assigned.
processing_node_name string The name of the processing node below, or null if no Processing Node has been assigned.
images_count int Number of images
can_rerun_from string[] List of possible "rerun-from" options that this task could restart from, given its currently assigned processing node. If this is an empty list, the task can only be restarted from the start of the pipeline.
available_assets string[] List of assets available for download
uuid string Unique identifier assigned by a Processing Node once processing has started.
name string User defined name for the task
processing_time int Milliseconds that have elapsed since the start of processing, or -1 if no information is available. Useful for displaying a time status report to the user.
auto_processing_node boolean Whether WebODM should automatically assign the next available Processing Node to process this Task. A user can set this to false to manually choose a Processing Node.
status int One of Status Codes, or null if no status is available.
last_error string The last error message reported by a Processing Node in case of processing failure.
options JSON[] JSON-encoded list of name/value pairs, where each pair represents a command line option to be passed to a Processing Node.
ground_control_points string Currently unused. See #37
created_at string Creation date and time
pending_action int One of Pending Actions, or null if no pending action is set.

Create a task

POST /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/

Parameter Required Default Description
images[] * "" List of multipart-encoded images (2 minimum)
processing_node null The ID of the Processing Node this Task should be assigned to. If not specified, and auto_processing_node is true, a Processing Node will be automatically assigned.
name "" User defined name for the task
auto_processing_node true Whether WebODM should automatically assign the next available Processing Node to process this Task.
options "[]" JSON-encoded list of name/value pairs, where each pair represents a command line option to be passed to a Processing Node.

You assign a Task to a Project by passing the proper project_id path in the URL.

Update a task

PATCH /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/

Parameters are the same as above.

Get list of tasks

Task list:

        "id": 6,
        "project": 2,
        "processing_node": 2,
        "processing_node_name": "localhost:3000",
        "images_count": 89,
        "uuid": "2e8b687d-c269-4e2f-91b3-5a2cd51b5321",
        "name": "Test name",
        "processing_time": 8402184,
        "auto_processing_node": true,
        "status": 40,
        "last_error": null,
        "options": [],
        "ground_control_points": null,
        "created_at": "2016-12-08T13:32:28.139474Z",
        "pending_action": null

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/

Retrieves all Task items associated with project_id.

Download assets

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/download/{asset}

After a task has been successfully processed, the user can download several assets from this URL. Not all assets are always available. For example if GPS information is missing from the input images, the orthophoto.tif asset will be missing. You can check the available_assets property of a Task to see which assets are available for download.

Asset Description Archive (.zip) containing all assets, including an orthophoto, TMS tiles, a textured 3D model and point cloud in various formats.
orthophoto.tif GeoTIFF orthophoto.
orthophoto.png PNG orthophoto.
orthophoto.mbtiles Orthophoto MBTiles archive. Archive containing the textured 3D model
georeferenced_model.las Point cloud in .LAS format.
georeferenced_model.ply Point cloud in .PLY format.
georeferenced_model.csv Point cloud in .CSV format.

Download assets (raw path)

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/assets/{path}

After a task has been successfully processed, its assets are stored in a directory on the file system. This API call allows direct access to the files in that directory (by default: WebODM/app/media/project/{project_id}/task/{task_id}/assets). This can be useful to those applications that want to stream a Potree dataset, or render a textured 3D model on the fly.

Retrieve console output

Console output example:

curl -H "Authorization: JWT <your_token>" http://localhost:8000/api/projects/2/tasks/1/output/?line=5

[DEBUG]   /var/www/data/e453747f-5fd4-4654-9622-b02727b29fc5/images\n[DEBUG]   Loaded DJI_0219.JPG | camera: dji fc300s ...

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/output/

As a Task is being processed, processing nodes will return an output string that can be used for debugging and informative purposes. Output is only available after processing has started.

Parameter Required Default Description
line 0 Only display the output starting from a certain line number. This can be useful to display output in realtime to the user by keeping track of the number of lines that have been displayed to the user so far and thus avoiding to download all output at every request.

Cancel task

POST /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/cancel/

Stop processing a Task. Canceled tasks can be restarted.

Remove task

POST /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/remove/

All assets associated with it will be destroyed also. If the Task is currently being processed, processing will stop.

Restart task

POST /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/restart/

If a Task has been canceled or has failed processing, or has completed but the user decided to change processing options, it can be restarted. If the Processing Node assigned to the Task has not changed, processing will happen more quickly compared to creating a new Task, since the Processing Node remembers the uuid of the Task and will attempt to reuse previous results from the computation pipeline.

Orthophoto TMS layer

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/orthophoto/tiles.json

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/orthophoto/tiles/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png

After a task has been successfully processed, a TMS layer is made available for inclusion in programs such as Leaflet or Cesium.

Surface Model TMS layer

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/dsm/tiles.json

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/dsm/tiles/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png

Terrain Model TMS layer

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/dtm/tiles.json

GET /api/projects/{project_id}/tasks/{task_id}/dtm/tiles/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png

Pending Actions

In some circumstances, a Task can have a pending action that requires some amount of time to be performed.

Pending Action Code Description
CANCEL 1 Task is being canceled
REMOVE 2 Task is being removed
RESTART 3 Task is being restarted

Status Codes

Status Code Description
QUEUED 10 Task's files have been uploaded to a Processing Node and are waiting to be processed.
RUNNING 20 Task is currently being processed.
FAILED 30 Task has failed for some reason (not enough images, out of memory, Piero forgot to close a parenthesis, etc.)
COMPLETED 40 Task has completed. Assets are be ready to be downloaded.
CANCELED 50 Task was manually canceled by the user.