
443 wiersze
18 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import cv2
import exifread
import re
import os
from fractions import Fraction
from opensfm.exif import sensor_string
from opendm import get_image_size
from opendm import location
from opendm.gcp import GCPFile
from pyproj import CRS
import log
import io
import system
import context
import logging
from opendm.progress import progressbc
class ODM_Photo:
""" ODMPhoto - a class for ODMPhotos
def __init__(self, path_file):
# general purpose
self.filename = io.extract_file_from_path_file(path_file)
self.width = None
self.height = None
# other attributes
self.camera_make = ''
self.camera_model = ''
self.make_model = ''
self.latitude = None
self.longitude = None
self.altitude = None
# parse values from metadata
# print log message
log.ODM_DEBUG('Loaded {}'.format(self))
def __str__(self):
return '{} | camera: {} | dimensions: {} x {} | lat: {} | lon: {} | alt: {}'.format(
self.filename, self.make_model, self.width, self.height, self.latitude, self.longitude, self.altitude)
def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file):
# Disable exifread log
with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)
if 'Image Make' in tags:
self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
if 'Image Model' in tags:
self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode('utf8')
if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
self.altitude = self.float_values(tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])[0]
if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_values(tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef'])[0] > 0:
self.altitude *= -1
if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
except IndexError as e:
log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read EXIF tags for %s: %s" % (_path_file, e.message))
if self.camera_make and self.camera_model:
self.make_model = sensor_string(self.camera_make, self.camera_model)
self.width, self.height = get_image_size.get_image_size(_path_file)
def dms_to_decimal(self, dms, sign):
"""Converts dms coords to decimal degrees"""
degrees, minutes, seconds = self.float_values(dms)
return (-1 if sign.values[0] in 'SWsw' else 1) * (
degrees +
minutes / 60 +
seconds / 3600
def float_values(self, tag):
return map(lambda v: float(v.num) / float(v.den), tag.values)
def int_values(self, tag):
return map(int, tag.values)
class ODM_Reconstruction(object):
def __init__(self, photos): = photos
self.georef = None
self.gcp = None
self.multi_camera = self.detect_multi_camera()
def detect_multi_camera(self):
Looks at the reconstruction photos and determines if this
is a single or multi-camera setup.
supported_ext_re = r"\.(" + "|".join([e[1:] for e in context.supported_extensions]) + ")$"
# Match filename_1.tif, filename_2.tif, filename_3.tif, ...
multi_camera_patterns = {
'MicaSense RedEdge-M': r'^IMG_\d+_(?P<band>\d{1})',
'Parrot Sequoia': r'^IMG_\d+_\d+_\d+_(?P<band>[A-Z]{3})',
for cam, regex in multi_camera_patterns.items():
pattern = re.compile(regex + supported_ext_re, re.IGNORECASE)
mc = {}
for p in
matches = re.match(pattern, p.filename)
if matches:
band ="band")
if not band in mc:
mc[band] = []
# We support between 2 and 6 bands
# If we matched more or less bands, we probably just
# found filename patterns that do not match a multi-camera setup
bands_count = len(mc)
if bands_count >= 2 and bands_count <= 6:
# Validate that all bands have the same number of images,
# otherwise this is not a multi-camera setup
img_per_band = len(mc[band])
valid = True
for band in mc:
if len(mc[band]) != img_per_band:
log.ODM_WARNING("This might be a multi-camera setup, but band \"%s\" (identified from \"%s\") has only %s images (instead of %s), perhaps images are missing or are corrupted." % (band, mc[band][0].filename, len(mc[band]), img_per_band))
valid = False
if valid:
return mc
return None
def is_georeferenced(self):
return self.georef is not None
def georeference_with_gcp(self, gcp_file, output_coords_file, output_gcp_file, rerun=False):
if not io.file_exists(output_coords_file) or not io.file_exists(output_gcp_file) or rerun:
gcp = GCPFile(gcp_file)
if gcp.exists():
# Create coords file, we'll be using this later
# during georeferencing
with open(output_coords_file, 'w') as f:
coords_header = gcp.wgs84_utm_zone()
f.write(coords_header + "\n")
log.ODM_INFO("Generated coords file from GCP: %s" % coords_header)
# Convert GCP file to a UTM projection since the rest of the pipeline
# does not handle other SRS well.
rejected_entries = []
utm_gcp = GCPFile(gcp.create_utm_copy(output_gcp_file, filenames=[p.filename for p in], rejected_entries=rejected_entries, include_extras=False))
if not utm_gcp.exists():
raise RuntimeError("Could not project GCP file to UTM. Please double check your GCP file for mistakes.")
for re in rejected_entries:
log.ODM_WARNING("GCP line ignored (image not found): %s" % str(re))
if utm_gcp.entries_count() > 0:
log.ODM_INFO("%s GCP points will be used for georeferencing" % utm_gcp.entries_count())
raise RuntimeError("A GCP file was provided, but no valid GCP entries could be used. Note that the GCP file is case sensitive (\".JPG\" is not the same as \".jpg\").")
self.gcp = utm_gcp
log.ODM_WARNING("GCP file does not exist: %s" % gcp_file)
log.ODM_INFO("Coordinates file already exist: %s" % output_coords_file)
log.ODM_INFO("GCP file already exist: %s" % output_gcp_file)
self.gcp = GCPFile(output_gcp_file)
self.georef = ODM_GeoRef.FromCoordsFile(output_coords_file)
return self.georef
def georeference_with_gps(self, images_path, output_coords_file, rerun=False):
if not io.file_exists(output_coords_file) or rerun:
location.extract_utm_coords(, images_path, output_coords_file)
log.ODM_INFO("Coordinates file already exist: %s" % output_coords_file)
self.georef = ODM_GeoRef.FromCoordsFile(output_coords_file)
log.ODM_WARNING('Could not generate coordinates file. An orthophoto will not be generated.')
self.gcp = GCPFile(None)
return self.georef
def save_proj_srs(self, file):
# Save proj to file for future use (unless this
# dataset is not georeferenced)
if self.is_georeferenced():
with open(file, 'w') as f:
class ODM_GeoRef(object):
def FromProj(projstring):
return ODM_GeoRef(CRS.from_proj4(projstring))
def FromCoordsFile(coords_file):
# check for coordinate file existence
if not io.file_exists(coords_file):
log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % coords_file)
srs = None
with open(coords_file) as f:
# extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
# We will assume the following format:
# 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
line = f.readline().rstrip()
srs = location.parse_srs_header(line)
return ODM_GeoRef(srs)
def __init__(self, srs):
self.srs = srs
self.utm_east_offset = 0
self.utm_north_offset = 0
self.transform = []
def proj4(self):
return self.srs.to_proj4()
def valid_utm_offsets(self):
return self.utm_east_offset and self.utm_north_offset
def extract_offsets(self, geo_sys_file):
if not io.file_exists(geo_sys_file):
log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % geo_sys_file)
with open(geo_sys_file) as f:
offsets = f.readlines()[1].split(' ')
self.utm_east_offset = float(offsets[0])
self.utm_north_offset = float(offsets[1])
def parse_transformation_matrix(self, matrix_file):
if not io.file_exists(matrix_file):
log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % matrix_file)
# Create a nested list for the transformation matrix
with open(matrix_file) as f:
for line in f:
# Handle matrix formats that either
# have leading or trailing brakets or just plain numbers.
line = re.sub(r"[\[\],]", "", line).strip()
self.transform += [[float(i) for i in line.split()]]
self.utm_east_offset = self.transform[0][3]
self.utm_north_offset = self.transform[1][3]
class ODM_Tree(object):
def __init__(self, root_path, gcp_file = None):
# root path to the project
self.root_path = io.absolute_path_file(root_path)
self.input_images = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'images')
# modules paths
# here are defined where all modules should be located in
# order to keep track all files al directories during the
# whole reconstruction process.
self.dataset_raw = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'images')
self.opensfm = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'opensfm')
self.mve = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'mve')
self.odm_meshing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_meshing')
self.odm_texturing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_texturing')
self.odm_25dtexturing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_texturing_25d')
self.odm_georeferencing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_georeferencing')
self.odm_25dgeoreferencing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_25dgeoreferencing')
self.odm_filterpoints = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_filterpoints')
self.odm_orthophoto = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_orthophoto')
# important files paths
# benchmarking
self.benchmarking = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'benchmark.txt')
self.dataset_list = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'img_list.txt')
# opensfm
self.opensfm_tracks = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'tracks.csv')
self.opensfm_bundle = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'bundle_r000.out')
self.opensfm_bundle_list = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'list_r000.out')
self.opensfm_image_list = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'image_list.txt')
self.opensfm_reconstruction = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'reconstruction.json')
self.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'reconstruction.nvm')
self.opensfm_model = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'depthmaps/merged.ply')
self.opensfm_transformation = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'geocoords_transformation.txt')
# mve
self.mve_model = io.join_paths(self.mve, 'mve_dense_point_cloud.ply')
self.mve_views = io.join_paths(self.mve, 'views')
# filter points
self.filtered_point_cloud = io.join_paths(self.odm_filterpoints, "point_cloud.ply")
# odm_meshing
self.odm_mesh = io.join_paths(self.odm_meshing, 'odm_mesh.ply')
self.odm_meshing_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_meshing, 'odm_meshing_log.txt')
self.odm_25dmesh = io.join_paths(self.odm_meshing, 'odm_25dmesh.ply')
self.odm_25dmeshing_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_meshing, 'odm_25dmeshing_log.txt')
# texturing
self.odm_texturing_undistorted_image_path = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'undistorted')
self.odm_textured_model_obj = 'odm_textured_model.obj'
self.odm_textured_model_mtl = 'odm_textured_model.mtl'
# Log is only used by old odm_texturing
self.odm_texuring_log = 'odm_texturing_log.txt'
# odm_georeferencing
self.odm_georeferencing_latlon = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'latlon.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_coords = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'coords.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_gcp = gcp_file or io.find('gcp_list.txt', self.root_path)
self.odm_georeferencing_gcp_utm = io.join_paths(self.odm_georeferencing, 'gcp_list_utm.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_utm_log = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferencing_utm_log.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_log = 'odm_georeferencing_log.txt'
self.odm_georeferencing_transform_file = 'odm_georeferencing_transform.txt'
self.odm_georeferencing_proj = 'proj.txt'
self.odm_georeferencing_model_txt_geo = 'odm_georeferencing_model_geo.txt'
self.odm_georeferencing_model_obj_geo = 'odm_textured_model_geo.obj'
self.odm_georeferencing_xyz_file = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferenced_model.csv')
self.odm_georeferencing_las_json = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'las.json')
self.odm_georeferencing_model_laz = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferenced_model.laz')
self.odm_georeferencing_model_las = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferenced_model.las')
self.odm_georeferencing_dem = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferencing_model_dem.tif')
# odm_orthophoto
self.odm_orthophoto_render = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto_render.tif')
self.odm_orthophoto_tif = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto.tif')
self.odm_orthophoto_corners = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto_corners.txt')
self.odm_orthophoto_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto_log.txt')
self.odm_orthophoto_tif_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'gdal_translate_log.txt')
# Split-merge
self.submodels_path = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'submodels')
# Tiles
self.entwine_pointcloud = self.path("entwine_pointcloud")
def path(self, *args):
return os.path.join(self.root_path, *args)
class ODM_Stage:
def __init__(self, name, args, progress=0.0, **params): = name
self.args = args
self.progress = progress
self.params = params
if self.params is None:
self.params = {}
self.next_stage = None
self.prev_stage = None
def connect(self, stage):
self.next_stage = stage
stage.prev_stage = self
return stage
def rerun(self):
Does this stage need to be rerun?
return (self.args.rerun is not None and self.args.rerun == or \
(self.args.rerun_all) or \
(self.args.rerun_from is not None and in self.args.rerun_from)
def run(self, outputs = {}):
start_time = system.now_raw()
log.ODM_INFO('Running %s stage' %
self.process(self.args, outputs)
# The tree variable should always be populated at this point
if outputs.get('tree') is None:
raise Exception("Assert violation: tree variable is missing from outputs dictionary.")
if self.args.time:
system.benchmark(start_time, outputs['tree'].benchmarking,
log.ODM_INFO('Finished %s stage' %
# Last stage?
if self.args.end_with == or self.args.rerun ==
log.ODM_INFO("No more stages to run")
# Run next stage?
elif self.next_stage is not None:
def delta_progress(self):
if self.prev_stage:
return max(0.0, self.progress - self.prev_stage.progress)
return max(0.0, self.progress)
def previous_stages_progress(self):
if self.prev_stage:
return max(0.0, self.prev_stage.progress)
return 0.0
def update_progress_end(self):
def update_progress(self, progress):
progress = max(0.0, min(100.0, progress))
progressbc.send_update(self.previous_stages_progress() +
(self.delta_progress() / 100.0) * float(progress))
def process(self, args, outputs):
raise NotImplementedError