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# docker-volume-backup
2018-11-27 09:00:03 +00:00
Docker image for performing simple backups of Docker volumes. Main features:
- Mount volumes into the container, and they'll get backed up
- Use full `cron` expressions for scheduling the backups
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- Backs up to local disk, [AWS S3](, or both
- Optionally stops containers for the duration of the backup, and starts them again afterward, to ensure consistent backups
- Optionally `docker exec`s commands before/after backing up a container, to allow easy integration with database backup tools, for example
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- Optionally ships backup metrics to [InfluxDB](, for monitoring
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## Examples
### Backing up locally
Say you're running some dashboards with [Grafana]( and want to back them up:
version: "3"
2018-11-27 09:00:03 +00:00
image: grafana/grafana:5.3.4
- grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana # This is where Grafana keeps its data
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image: futurice/docker-volume-backup:1.1.0
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- grafana-data:/backup/grafana-data:ro # Mount the Grafana data volume (as read-only)
- ./backups:/archive # Mount a local folder as the backup archive
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This will back up the Grafana data volume, once per day, and write it to `./backups` with a filename like `backup-2018-11-27T16-51-56.tar.gz`.
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### Backing up to S3
Off-site backups are better, though:
version: "3"
2018-11-27 09:00:03 +00:00
image: grafana/grafana:5.3.4
- grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana # This is where Grafana keeps its data
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image: futurice/docker-volume-backup:1.1.0
2018-11-27 09:00:03 +00:00
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: my-backup-bucket # S3 bucket which you own, and already exists
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} # Read AWS secrets from environment (or a .env file)
- grafana-data:/backup/grafana-data:ro # Mount the Grafana data volume (as read-only)
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This configuration will back up to AWS S3 instead. See below for additional tips about [S3 Bucket setup](#s3-bucket-setup).
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### Stopping containers while backing up
It's not generally safe to read files to which other processes might be writing. You may end up with corrupted copies.
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You can give the backup container access to the Docker socket, and label any containers that need to be stopped while the backup runs:
version: "3"
2018-11-27 09:00:03 +00:00
image: grafana/grafana:5.3.4
- grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana # This is where Grafana keeps its data
# Adding this label means this container should be stopped while it's being backed up:
- "docker-volume-backup.stop-during-backup=true"
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2018-11-27 09:18:25 +00:00
image: futurice/docker-volume-backup:1.1.0
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AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: my-backup-bucket # S3 bucket which you own, and already exists
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} # Read AWS secrets from environment (or a .env file)
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro # Allow use of the "stop-during-backup" feature
- grafana-data:/backup/grafana-data:ro # Mount the Grafana data volume (as read-only)
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This configuration allows you to safely back up things like databases, if you can tolerate a bit of downtime.
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### Pre/post backup exec
If you don't want to stop the container while it's being backed up, and the container comes with a backup utility (this is true for most databases), you can label the container with commands to run before/after backing it up:
version: "3"
image: influxdb:1.5.4
- influxdb-data:/var/lib/influxdb # This is where InfluxDB keeps its data
- influxdb-temp:/tmp/influxdb # This is our temp space for the backup
# These commands will be exec'd (in the same container) before/after the backup starts:
- docker-volume-backup.exec-pre-backup=influxd backup -portable /tmp/influxdb
- docker-volume-backup.exec-post-backup=rm -rfv /tmp/influxdb
image: futurice/docker-volume-backup:1.1.0
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro # Allow use of the "pre/post exec" feature
- influxdb-temp:/backup/influxdb:ro # Mount the temp space so it gets backed up
- ./backups:/archive # Mount a local folder as the backup archive
The above configuration will perform a `docker exec` for the database container with `influxd backup`, right before the backup runs. The resulting DB snapshot is written to a temp volume (`influxdb-temp`), which is then backed up. Note that the main InfluxDB data volume (`influxdb-data`) isn't used at all, as it'd be unsafe to read while the DB process is running.
Similarly, after the temp volume has been backed up, it's cleaned up with another `docker exec` in the database container, this time just invoking `rm`.
If you need a more complex script for pre/post exec, consider mounting and invoking a shell script instead.
2018-11-27 10:20:06 +00:00
## Configuration
Variable | Default | Notes
--- | --- | ---
`BACKUP_SOURCES` | `/backup` | Where to read data from. This can be a space-separated list if you need to back up multiple paths, when mounting multiple volumes for example. On the other hand, you can also just mount multiple volumes under `/backup` to have all of them backed up.
`BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION` | `@daily` | Standard debian-flavored `cron` expression for when the backup should run. Use e.g. `0 4 * * *` to back up at 4 AM every night. See the [man page]( or []( for more.
`BACKUP_FILENAME` | `backup-%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.tar.gz` | File name template for the backup file. Is passed through `date` for formatting. See the [man page]( for more.
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`BACKUP_ARCHIVE` | `/archive` | When this path is available within the container (i.e. you've mounted a Docker volume there), a finished backup file will get archived there after each run.
`BACKUP_WAIT_SECONDS` | `0` | The backup script will sleep this many seconds between re-starting stopped containers, and proceeding with archiving/uploading the backup. This can be useful if you don't want the load/network spike of a large upload immediately after the load/network spike of container startup.
`BACKUP_HOSTNAME` | `$(hostname)` | Name of the host (i.e. Docker container) in which the backup runs. Mostly useful if you want a specific hostname to be associated with backup metrics (see InfluxDB support).
`AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME` | | When provided, the resulting backup file will be uploaded to this S3 bucket after the backup has ran.
`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` | | Required when using `AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME`.
`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` | | Required when using `AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME`.
`AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` | | Optional when using `AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME`. Allows you to override the AWS CLI default region. Usually not needed.
`INFLUXDB_URL` | | When provided, backup metrics will be sent to an InfluxDB instance at this URL, e.g. ``.
`INFLUXDB_DB` | | Required when using `INFLUXDB_URL`; e.g. `my_database`.
`INFLUXDB_CREDENTIALS` | | Required when using `INFLUXDB_URL`; e.g. `user:pass`.
`INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT` | `docker_volume_backup` | Required when using `INFLUXDB_URL`.
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2018-11-27 15:16:46 +00:00
## Metrics
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After the backup, the script will collect some metrics from the run. By default, they're just written out as logs. For example:
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If so configured, they can also be shipped to an InfluxDB instance. This allows you to set up monitoring and/or alerts for them. Here's a sample visualization on Grafana:
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![Backup dashboard sample](doc/backup-dashboard-sample.png)
2018-11-28 09:46:11 +00:00
## S3 Bucket setup
Amazon S3 has [Versioning]( and [Object Lifecycle Management]( features that can be useful for backups.
First, you can enable versioning for your backup bucket:
![S3 versioning](doc/s3-versioning.png)
Then, you can change your backup filename to a static one, for example:
BACKUP_FILENAME: latest.tar.gz
This allows you to retain previous versions of the backup file, but the _most recent_ version is always available with the same filename:
$ aws s3 cp s3://my-backup-bucket/latest.tar.gz .
download: s3://my-backup-bucket/latest.tar.gz to ./latest.tar.gz
To make sure your bucket doesn't continue to grow indefinitely, you can enable some lifecycle rules:
![S3 lifecycle](doc/s3-lifecycle.png)
These rules will:
- Move non-latest backups to a cheaper, long-term storage class ([Glacier](
- Permanently remove backups after a year
- Still always keep the latest backup available (even after a year has passed)
## Testing
A bunch of test cases exist under [`test`](test/). To run them:
cd test/backing-up-locally/
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Some cases may need secrets available in the environment, e.g. for S3 uploads to work.
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## Building
2018-11-28 09:25:27 +00:00
New images can be conveniently built on [Docker Hub]( Update the tag name, save, and use the "Trigger" button:
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![Docker Hub build](doc/docker-hub-build.png)