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DUC-DDC Трансивер Wolf-Lite Community telegram channel:

Zaktualizowano 2022-05-18 14:47:32 +00:00

The Nucleo TNC is a breadboard implementation of the Mobilinkd TNC3 using a STM32L432KC Nucleo32 board. This TNC faithfully implements the audio section and EEPROM storage of the TNC3. It omits the battery charging and Bluetooth components of the TNC3.

Zaktualizowano 2022-05-29 22:09:09 +00:00

CUSF Standalone Predictor - Version 2

Zaktualizowano 2022-06-21 21:07:13 +00:00

pico-debug runs on one core in a RP2040 and provides a USB CMSIS-DAP interface to debug the other core

Zaktualizowano 2022-08-03 19:41:49 +00:00

kholia fork of RPi Pico FT8 Transceiver

Zaktualizowano 2022-10-05 15:39:06 +00:00

Firmware for DMR transceivers using the NXP MK22 MCU, AT1846S RF chip and HR-C6000 DMR chipset. This includes the Radioddiy GD-77, Radioddity GD-77s, Baofeng DM-1801 and Baofeng RD-5R.

Zaktualizowano 2022-12-08 12:21:43 +00:00

Scanner Access Now Easy ― Frontends

Zaktualizowano 2023-02-12 02:03:23 +00:00

Configure the External 32.768 kHz Crystal as an RTC Clock Source in Sleep Mode Using AVR128DB48

Zaktualizowano 2023-02-13 09:25:57 +00:00

LCD IPS ST7789V 1.14" RGB + EPS32 :

Zaktualizowano 2023-03-13 09:17:12 +00:00

SSDV - simple command line app for encoding / decoding SSDV image data

Zaktualizowano 2023-04-14 14:01:45 +00:00

An MQTT Broker/Client with scripting support on the ESP8266

Zaktualizowano 2023-04-15 07:45:27 +00:00

MQTT Broker library for ESP8266 Arduino

Zaktualizowano 2023-04-16 11:20:35 +00:00

Firmware for the Mobilinkd TNC3. STM32L433-based Bluetooth/LE KISS TNC.

Zaktualizowano 2023-04-18 01:32:10 +00:00

ESP32 AM Radio Transmitter

Zaktualizowano 2023-04-26 12:27:57 +00:00

This repo is similar to pico-examples but utilizing additional libraries from pico-extras

Zaktualizowano 2023-05-03 20:34:51 +00:00