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Home Assistant Community Add-on: wmbusmeters (W-MBus to MQTT)

This add-on allows you to acquire utility meter readings without the vendors bridge or gateway as long as they support C1, T1 or S1 telegrams using the wireless mbus protocol (WMBUS).


The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other community-driven Home Assistant add-on.

  1. Navigate to Supervisor > Add-on Store > Repositories
  2. Add https://github.com/weetmuts/wmbusmeters
  3. Install Wmbusmeters
  4. Plug-in your radio receiver USB dongle
  5. Start the addon container
  6. In the logs you should see all the W-Mbus telegrams that wmbusmeter is able to receive.
    If you don't see anything, check the logs carefully.
    If you configure it late evening or in the night, please note the radio modules often send telegrams less frequently than in typical working hours or don't send them at all.
    If your antenna is in a distance to the radio module, try to locate it closer.
  7. You are ready to configure!
  8. Finally, don't forget about adding the MQTT sensor into your Home Assistant.


Once the wmbusmeters is receiving the telegrams you need to configure your meter using meters option (see below) to pass the readings to MQTT topic.

Option: meters

Specify your meters using wmbusmeters meter file format. The driver and id values can be read from the add-on logs after the initial start (with empty meters configuration). The name is your label for the meter and key is the encryption key to decrypt telegrams (if your meter use any).

See project README for more information

  - |-

Option: conf

The wmbusmeters configuration file. It will be used as wmbusmeters.conf.

See project README for more information

Option: data_path

Path relative for add-on where wmbusmeters files are stored:


Option: mqtt

By default it is empty {} and leverages then the Moquitto broker addon details provided by supervisor. However, you can specify the custom mqtt broker connection details here

  host: your-broker-host
  port: 1883
  user: your-username
  password: your-password

Home Assistant integration

Finally, you need to tell Home Assistant how to extract the readings from the MQTT. You can add the following sensor definition into your sensor: section of configuration.yaml.

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "wmbusmeters/MainWater"
    json_attributes_topic: "wmbusmeters/MainWater"
    unit_of_measurement: "m3"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.total_m3 }}"
    name: Water usage
    icon: "mdi:gauge"

Please note: MainWater is the water meter name used in meters configuration.


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Authors & contributors

Wmbusmeters contributors