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Elliott Liggett edytuje tę stronę 2021-05-18 20:31:06 +00:00


For the most up to date information, please visit https://wfview.org/


Welcome to wfview! wfview is a program that allows the Icom IC-7300 ham radio to be controlled via a computer. wfview shows the gorgeous spectrum display on whatever display is connected, including projectors, touch screens, and TVs. wfview allows for full radio control from a computer keyboard and basic control from a numeric keypad. wfview can run on hardware ranging from the $35 Raspberry Pi to laptops to desktops. wfview is designed for the Linux operating system but could probably run with minimal modifications on other platforms.

Please see the User FAQ, Screenshots, and Programmer's FAQ for more information. You can also read the User's Manual.

Don't forget to check the README.md and INSTALL.md files in the repo.

For radio setup, see here.

To run fldigi (or other programs) at the same time, please see this.

Main view:


On a 30 inch display:


Side by side with fldigi:


Running on a Raspberry Pi with a touch screen:


On an older iMac:


Again with fldigi on two screens:
