
131 wiersze
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The following assumes you are operating from a stock Ubuntu 16.04.x installation, and that everything
is being downloaded into your home directory.
Command that you need to run in a terminal are prefixed with '>' like so:
> echo "Hello World"
From a stock Ubuntu 16.04.x installation, the following packages were required:
git subversion cmake build-essential python-numpy python-pyqtgraph python-pip libfftw3-dev libspeexdsp-dev libsamplerate0-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
These can be installed using:
> sudo apt-get install <the list above>
Using pip, the following additional python packages were installed by running:
> sudo pip install crcmod requests
If you haven't already downloaded this repository, do so using:
> git clone https://github.com/projecthorus/wenet.git
As we might want to use the bias-tee option in the newer v3 RTLSDR's, we will need to compile the rtl-sdr
software from source:
> git clone https://github.com/rtlsdrblog/rtl-sdr
> cd rtl-sdr
> mkdir build
> cd build
> sudo make install
> sudo ldconfig
Confirm you can communicate with your rtl-sdr by running:
> rtl_test
The following git repositories need to be cloned, built and installed:
In general terms, you would use the following to build and install:
> git clone <url above>
> cd ssdv (or csdr)
> make
> sudo make install
> cd ~/
If not already done above, you will also need to clone the wenet repository:
> git clone https://github.com/projecthorus/wenet.git
We need some binaries from the codec2-dev repository:
(Note that we are using a specific revision number to ensure developmental changes don't break things.)
> svn checkout -r 2914 http://svn.code.sf.net/p/freetel/code/codec2-dev/
> cd codec2-dev
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ../
> make
> cp ~/codec2-dev/build/src/fsk_demod ~/wenet/rx/
> cp ~/codec2-dev/build/src/drs232_ldpc ~/wenet/rx/
We also need to copy out the FSK Demod GUI Utility from this repository
> cp ~/codec2-dev/octave/fskdemodgui.py ~/wenet/rx/
cd into the wenet directory:
> cd ~/wenet/
Edit start_rx.sh using your favourite text editor, and change the line:
so that your callsign is in place of CHANGEME.
If you are using a RTLSDR V3 and need the bias-tee enabled, uncomment the marked line by removing the
'#' at the start of the line.
Next, copy the two .desktop files to your desktop by running:
> cp rx/*.desktop ~/Desktop/
If your username is somethign other than 'wenet', you will need to edit the Start_SSDV.desktop file,
so that the 'Exec='' line contains the correct path to start_rx.sh
If the shortcuts don't show up with a 'diamond gears' icon on the desktop, right click on them, and
in the permissions tab, click 'Allow executing file as program'
You should now be able to start up the receiving software stack by clicking on the 'Start Wenet RX'.
Three windows should appear:
- A terminal window with lots of scrolling text (modem status messages)
- The FSK Demodulator Modem Statistics window, and
- The SSDV Viewer GUI
You can kill all the RX processes by running the 'Kill RX' shortcut on the desktop.
If you have a recorded sample, you can replay it by doing:
Opening the SSDV Viewer GUI by running:
> cd rx
> python rx_gui.py &
Then 'playback' the sample file using:
> python replay.py 1000000 <filenamehere> | csdr convert_u8_f | csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc 0.05 0.45 0.05 | csdr realpart_cf | csdr gain_ff 0.5 | csdr convert_f_s16 | ./fsk_demod 2XS 8 923096 115387 - - S 2> >(python fskdemodgui.py --wide) | ./drs232_ldpc - - -vv| python rx_ssdv.py --partialupdate 16