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#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Wenet PiCam Wrapper Class.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Mark Jessop <vk5qi@rfhead.net>
# Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
# PiCamera API: https://picamera.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.12/api_camera.html
from picamera import PiCamera
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
import glob
import os
import datetime
import traceback
class WenetPiCam(object):
""" PiCam Wrapper Class
PiCam Image Source for Wenet.
Captures multiple images, picks the best, then
transmits it via a PacketTX object.
def __init__(self,
callsign = "N0CALL",
vertical_flip = False,
horizontal_flip = False,
temp_filename_prefix = 'picam_temp',
debug_ptr = None
""" Instantiate a WenetPiCam Object
used to capture images from a PiCam using 'optimal' capture techniques.
Keyword Arguments:
callsign: The callsign to be used when converting images to SSDV. Must be <=6 characters in length.
src_resolution: Raw image capture resolution. This is the resolution of the file saved to disk.
tx_resolution: Tuple (x,y) containing desired image *transmit* resolution.
NOTE: both x and y need to be multiples of 16 to be used with SSDV.
NOTE: This will resize with NO REGARD FOR ASPECT RATIO - it's up to you to get that right.
num_images: Number of images to capture in sequence when the 'capture' function is called.
The 'best' (largest filesize) image is selected and saved.
image_delay: Delay time (seconds) between each captured image.
vertical_flip: Flip captured images vertically.
horizontal_flip: Flip captured images horizontally.
Used to correct for picam orientation.
temp_filename_prefix: prefix used for temporary files.
debug_ptr: 'pointer' to a function which can handle debug messages.
This function needs to be able to accept a string.
Used to get status messages into the downlink.
self.debug_ptr = debug_ptr
self.temp_filename_prefix = temp_filename_prefix
self.num_images = num_images
self.image_delay = image_delay
self.callsign = callsign
self.tx_resolution = tx_resolution
# Attempt to start picam.
self.cam = PiCamera()
# Configure camera.
self.cam.resolution = src_resolution
# Default to Picam 1 max resolution if we cannot set the higher PiCam 2 resolution.
self.cam.resolution = (2592,1944)
self.cam.hflip = horizontal_flip
self.cam.vflip = vertical_flip
self.cam.exposure_mode = 'auto'
self.cam.awb_mode = 'sunlight' # Fixed white balance compensation.
self.cam.meter_mode = 'matrix'
# Start the 'preview' mode, effectively opening the 'shutter'.
# This lets the camera gain control algs start to settle.
def debug_message(self, message):
""" Write a debug message.
If debug_ptr was set to a function during init, this will
pass the message to that function, else it will just print it.
This is used mainly to get updates on image capture into the Wenet downlink.
message = "PiCam Debug: " + message
if self.debug_ptr != None:
def close(self):
def capture(self, filename='picam.jpg'):
""" Capture an image using the PiCam
Keyword Arguments:
filename: destination filename.
# Attempt to capture a set of images.
for i in range(self.num_images):
self.debug_message("Capturing Image %d of %d" % (i+1,self.num_images))
# Wrap this in error handling in case we lose the camera for some reason.
self.cam.capture("%s_%d.jpg" % (self.temp_filename_prefix,i))
if self.image_delay > 0:
except Exception as e: # TODO: Narrow this down...
self.debug_message("ERROR: %s" % str(e))
# Immediately return false. Not much point continuing to try and capture images.
return False
# Otherwise, continue to pick the 'best' image based on filesize.
self.debug_message("Choosing Best Image.")
pic_list = glob.glob("%s_*.jpg" % self.temp_filename_prefix)
pic_sizes = []
# Iterate through list of images and get the file sizes.
for pic in pic_list:
largest_pic = pic_list[pic_sizes.index(max(pic_sizes))]
# Copy best image to target filename.
self.debug_message("Copying image to storage with filename %s" % filename)
os.system("cp %s %s" % (largest_pic, filename))
# Clean up temporary images.
os.system("rm %s_*.jpg" % self.temp_filename_prefix)
return True
def ssdvify(self, filename="output.jpg", image_id=0, quality=6):
""" Convert a supplied JPEG image to SSDV.
Returns the filename of the converted SSDV image.
Keyword Arguments:
filename: Source JPEG filename.
Output SSDV image will be saved to to a temporary file (webcam_temp.jpg) which should be
transmitted immediately.
image_id: Image ID number. Must be incremented between images.
quality: JPEG quality level: 4 - 7, where 7 is 'lossless' (not recommended).
6 provides good quality at decent file-sizes.
# Wrap image ID field if it's >255.
image_id = image_id % 256
# Resize image to the desired resolution.
self.debug_message("Resizing image.")
return_code = os.system("convert %s -resize %dx%d\! picam_temp.jpg" % (filename, self.tx_resolution[0], self.tx_resolution[1]))
if return_code != 0:
self.debug_message("Resize operation failed!")
return "FAIL"
# Get non-extension part of filename.
file_basename = filename[:-4]
# Construct SSDV command-line.
ssdv_command = "ssdv -e -n -q %d -c %s -i %d picam_temp.jpg picam_temp.ssdv" % (quality, self.callsign, image_id)
# Update debug message.
self.debug_message("Converting image to SSDV.")
# Run SSDV converter.
return_code = os.system(ssdv_command)
if return_code != 0:
self.debug_message("ERROR: Could not perform SSDV Conversion.")
return "FAIL"
return "picam_temp.ssdv"
auto_capture_running = False
def auto_capture(self, destination_directory, tx, post_process_ptr=None, delay = 0, start_id = 0):
""" Automatically capture and transmit images in a loop.
Images are automatically saved to a supplied directory, with file-names
defined using a timestamp.
Use the run() and stop() functions to start/stop this running.
Keyword Arguments:
destination_directory: Folder to save images to. Both raw JPEG and SSDV images are saved here.
tx: A reference to a PacketTX Object, which is used to transmit packets, and interrogate the TX queue.
post_process_ptr: An optional function which is called after the image is captured. This function
will be passed the path/filename of the captured image.
This can be used to add overlays, etc to the image before it is SSDVified and transmitted.
NOTE: This function need to modify the image in-place.
delay: An optional delay in seconds between capturing images. Defaults to 0.
This delay is added on top of any delays caused while waiting for the transmit queue to empty.
start_id: Starting image ID. Defaults to 0.
image_id = start_id
while self.auto_capture_running:
# Sleep before capturing next image.
# Grab current timestamp.
capture_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%SZ")
capture_filename = destination_directory + "/%s_picam.jpg" % capture_time
# Attempt to capture.
capture_successful = self.capture(capture_filename)
# If capture was unsuccessful, exit out of this thead, as clearly
# the camera isn't working.
if not capture_successful:
# Otherwise, proceed to post-processing step.
if post_process_ptr != None:
self.debug_message("Running Image Post-Processing")
error_str = traceback.format_exc()
self.debug_message("Image Post-Processing Failed: %s" % error_str)
# SSDV'ify the image.
ssdv_filename = self.ssdvify(capture_filename, image_id=image_id)
# Check the SSDV Conversion has completed properly. If not, break.
if ssdv_filename == "FAIL":
# Otherwise, read in the file and push into the TX buffer.
file_size = os.path.getsize(ssdv_filename)
# Wait until the transmit queue is empty before pushing in packets.
self.debug_message("Waiting for SSDV TX queue to empty.")
while tx.image_queue_empty() == False:
sleep(0.05) # Sleep for a short amount of time.
if self.auto_capture_running == False:
# Inform ground station we are about to send an image.
self.debug_message("Transmitting %d PiCam SSDV Packets." % (file_size/256))
# Push SSDV file into transmit queue.
# Increment image ID.
image_id = (image_id + 1) % 256
# Loop!
def run(self, destination_directory, tx, post_process_ptr=None, delay = 0, start_id = 0):
""" Start auto-capturing images in a thread.
Refer auto_capture function above.
Keyword Arguments:
destination_directory: Folder to save images to. Both raw JPEG and SSDV images are saved here.
tx: A reference to a PacketTX Object, which is used to transmit packets, and interrogate the TX queue.
post_process_ptr: An optional function which is called after the image is captured. This function
will be passed the path/filename of the captured image.
This can be used to add overlays, etc to the image before it is SSDVified and transmitted.
NOTE: This function need to modify the image in-place.
delay: An optional delay in seconds between capturing images. Defaults to 0.
This delay is added on top of any delays caused while waiting for the transmit queue to empty.
start_id: Starting image ID. Defaults to 0.
self.auto_capture_running = True
capture_thread = Thread(target=self.auto_capture, kwargs=dict(
tx = tx,
def stop(self):
self.auto_capture_running = False
# TODO: Non-blocking image capture.
capture_finished = False
def trigger_capture():
# Basic transmission test script.
if __name__ == "__main__":
import PacketTX
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("callsign", default="N0CALL", help="Payload Callsign")
args = parser.parse_args()
callsign = args.callsign
print("Using Callsign: %s" % callsign)
def post_process(filename):
print("Doing nothing with %s" % filename)
tx = PacketTX.PacketTX(callsign=callsign)
picam = WenetPiCam(callsign=callsign, debug_ptr=tx.transmit_text_message)
tx = tx,
post_process_ptr = post_process
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt: