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#!/usr/bin/env python
# RFM98W Initialisation for Wenet Telemetry
# Copyright (C) 2018 Mark Jessop <vk5qi@rfhead.net>
# Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
# Requires pySX127x:
# https://github.com/darksidelemm/pySX127x
# Copy the SX127x directory into this directory...
# Uses spidev for comms with a RFM98W module.
# Note: As with the RFM22B version, all this script does
# is get the RFM98W onto the right frequency, and into the right mode.
# SPI: Connected to CE0 (like most of my LoRa shields)
# RPi TXD: Connected to RFM98W's DIO2 pin.
import sys
import argparse
from SX127x.LoRa import *
from SX127x.hardware_piloragateway import HardwareInterface
def setup_rfm98w(frequency=441.200, spi_device=0, shutdown=False, deviation = 71797):
# Set this to 1 if your RFM98W is on CE1
hw = HardwareInterface(spi_device)
# Start talking to the module...
lora = LoRa(hw)
# Set us into FSK mode, and set continuous mode on
lora.set_register(0x01,0x00) # Standby Mode
# If we have been asked to shutdown the RFM98W, then exit here.
if shutdown:
# Otherwise, proceed.
lora.set_register(0x31,0x00) # Set Continuous Mode
# Set TX Frequency
# Set Deviation (~70 kHz). Signals ends up looking a bit wider than the RFM22B version.
_dev_lsbs = int(deviation / 61.03)
_dev_msb = _dev_lsbs >> 8
_dev_lsb = _dev_lsbs % 256
# Set Transmit power to 50mW.
# NOTE: If you're in another country you'll probably want to modify this value to something legal...
# Go into TX mode.
lora.set_register(0x01,0x02) # .. via FSTX mode (where the transmit frequency actually gets set)
lora.set_register(0x01,0x03) # Now we're in TX mode...
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--frequency", default=441.200, type=float, help="Transmit Frequency (MHz). Default = 441.200 MHz.")
parser.add_argument("--spidevice", default=0, type=int, help="LoRa SPI Device number. Default = 0.")
parser.add_argument("--baudrate", default=115200, type=int, help="Wenet TX baud rate. We chose a TX deviation based on this. Default=115200.")
parser.add_argument("--shutdown",action="store_true", help="Shutdown Transmitter instead of activating it.")
args = parser.parse_args()
tx_freq = args.frequency
if tx_freq>450.0 or tx_freq<430.00:
print("Frequency out of 70cm band, using default.")
tx_freq = 441.200
if args.baudrate == 9600:
deviation = 4800
elif args.baudrate == 4800:
deviation = 2400
deviation = 71797
print("Using deviation of %d Hz for Baud Rate %d bd." % (deviation, args.baudrate))
setup_rfm98w(frequency=tx_freq, spi_device=args.spidevice, shutdown=args.shutdown, deviation=deviation)
print("Frequency set to: %.3f MHz" % tx_freq)