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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Wenet - SHSSP Payload Main Loop - 2018 Version
# Copyright (C) 2018 Mark Jessop <vk5qi@rfhead.net>
# Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
# Requires:
# - PiCamera
# - uBlox GPS Unit, available at /dev/ublox
# - Bosch BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor, available at /dev/bno
# - Wenet TX Shield, available on /dev/ttyAMA0
import PacketTX
import WenetPiCam
import ublox
import json
import argparse
import time
import traceback
import datetime
import os
from BNO055 import WenetBNO055
from threading import Thread
# Payload Callsigns
global_callsign = "SHSSP1"
# Image capture directory
image_dir = "./tx_images/"
# Log files.
text_telemetry_log = "ssp1_text.log"
imu_log = "ssp1_imu.log"
gps_log = "ssp1_gps.log"
# Start up Wenet TX Object.
tx = PacketTX.PacketTX(serial_port='/dev/ttyAMA0',
# Sleep for a second to let the transmitter fire up.
# Initiaise BNO055.
# This will loop until it has connected to a BNO055.
bno = WenetBNO055(port='/dev/bno',
update_rate_hz = 5, # Note that this parameter is un-used now.
callback_decimation = 1, # Save IMU data to disk at full rate (~ 10 Hz for just euler/quaternion data)
debug_ptr = tx.transmit_text_message,
raw_sensor_data = False)
# Global variable to record if the GPS is giving valid time data.
# As the GPS can go back to a fix state of 0, yet still give valid time data (for our purposes anyway),
# We latch this variable to True as soon as we see any valid fix state.
gps_time_fix = False
# Global variable to tell if we've set the system time to GPS.
# We need to set the system time at least once manually (using timedatectl), before NTPD can take over.
system_time_set = False
def handle_gps_data(gps_data):
""" Handle GPS data passed to us from a UBloxGPS instance """
global tx, bno, gps_time_fix, system_time_set
# Latch gps_time_fix if Fix is OK.
if gps_data['gpsFix'] > 0:
gps_time_fix = True
# Grab a snapshot of orientation data.
orientation_data = bno.read_state()
# If we have GPS lock, set the system clock to it. (Only do this once.)
if (gps_data['gpsFix'] == 3) and not system_time_set:
dt = gps_data['datetime']
new_time = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
ret_code = os.system("timedatectl set-time \"%s\"" % new_time)
if ret_code == 0:
tx.transmit_text_message("GPS Debug: System clock set to GPS time %s" % new_time)
tx.transmit_text_message("GPS Debug: Attempt to set system clock failed!")
system_time_set = True
tx.transmit_text_message("GPS Debug: Attempt to set system clock failed!")
# Immediately generate and transmit a GPS packet.
# Now transmit an orientation telemetry packet.
tx.transmit_orientation_telemetry(gps_data['week'], gps_data['iTOW'], gps_data['leapS'], orientation_data)
# Try and start up the GPS rx thread.
# Note: The UBloxGPS constructor will continuously loop until it finds a GPS unit to connect to.
gps = ublox.UBloxGPS(port='/dev/ublox',
dynamic_model = ublox.DYNAMIC_MODEL_AIRBORNE1G,
update_rate_ms = 1000,
debug_ptr = tx.transmit_text_message,
callback = handle_gps_data,
log_file = gps_log,
ntpd_update = True
except Exception as e:
tx.transmit_text_message("ERROR: Could not Open GPS - %s" % str(e), repeats=5)
gps = None
# Initialise the Camera Objects.
# Initialise PiCam, using default capture and transmit resolution.
picam = WenetPiCam.WenetPiCam(callsign=global_callsign,
num_images=1, # Only capture one image at a time.
# SSDV Image ID.
image_id = 0
# Main 'loop'.
while True:
# Grab current timestamp for image filenames.
gps_data = gps.read_state()
if gps_time_fix:
# The timestamp supplied within the gps data dictionary isn't suitable for use as a filename.
# Do the conversion from week/iTOW/leapS to UTC time manually, and produce a suitable timestamp.
epoch = datetime.datetime.strptime("1980-01-06 00:00:00","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
elapsed = datetime.timedelta(days=(gps_data['week']*7),seconds=(gps_data['iTOW']))
timestamp = epoch + elapsed - datetime.timedelta(seconds=gps_data['leapS'])
capture_time = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%SZ")
# If we don't have valid GPS time, use system time.
capture_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%SZ")
# Generate output filenames.
vis_capture_filename = image_dir + "/%s_%d_visible.jpg" % (capture_time,image_id)
metadata_filename = image_dir + "/%s_%d_metadata.json" % (capture_time, image_id)
# Capture an instantaneous snapshot of GPS and Orientation data.
gps_data = gps.read_state()
orientation_data = bno.read_state()
# Capture picam image.
picam_capture_success = picam.capture(vis_capture_filename)
# Transmit a summary of what images we were able to capture.
tx.transmit_text_message("Image %d Captured at %s (%s)" % (
"GPS" if gps_time_fix else "System")
# If we have images, convert to SSDV.
if picam_capture_success:
picam_ssdv_filename = picam.ssdvify(vis_capture_filename, image_id = image_id)
if picam_ssdv_filename == "FAIL":
tx.transmit_text_message("Error capturing image, continuing.")
# Wait until the transmit queue is empty before pushing in packets.
tx.transmit_text_message("Waiting for SSDV TX queue to empty.")
while tx.image_queue_empty() == False:
time.sleep(0.1) # Sleep for a short amount of time.
if picam_capture_success:
# Get file size in packets.
file_size = os.path.getsize(picam_ssdv_filename)/256
tx.transmit_text_message("Transmitting %d SSDV Packets." % file_size)
# Transmit Image telemetry packet
tx.transmit_image_telemetry(gps_data, orientation_data, image_id, callsign=global_callsign)
# Dump all the image metadata to a json blob, and write to a file.
gps_data.pop('datetime') # Pop out the datetime object, as it isn't serialisable. We still have the timestamp entry...
metadata = {'gps': gps_data, 'orientation': orientation_data, 'image_id': image_id}
f = open(metadata_filename,'w')
# Increment image ID and loop!
image_id = (image_id + 1) % 256
# Catch CTRL-C, and exit cleanly.
# Only really used during debugging.
except KeyboardInterrupt: