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# Adding custom bulk actions
This document describes how to add custom bulk actions to different listings.
## Registering a custom bulk action
from wagtail.admin.views.bulk_action import BulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomDeleteBulkAction(BulkAction):
display_name = _("Delete")
aria_label = _("Delete selected objects")
action_type = "delete"
template_name = "/path/to/confirm_bulk_delete.html"
models = [...]
def execute_action(cls, objects, **kwargs):
for obj in objects:
return num_parent_objects, num_child_objects # return the count of updated objects
The attributes are as follows:
- `display_name` - The label that will be displayed on the button in the user interface
- `aria_label` - The `aria-label` attribute that will be applied to the button in the user interface
- `action_type` - A unique identifier for the action (required in the URL for bulk actions)
- `template_name` - The path to the confirmation template
- `models` - A list of models on which the bulk action can act
- `action_priority` (optional) - A number that is used to determine the placement of the button in the list of buttons
- `classes` (optional) - A set of CSS class names that will be used on the button in the user interface
An example of a confirmation template is as follows:
<!-- /path/to/confirm_bulk_delete.html -->
{% extends 'wagtailadmin/bulk_actions/confirmation/base.html' %}
{% load i18n wagtailadmin_tags %}
{% block titletag %}{% blocktranslate trimmed count counter=items|length %}Delete 1 item{% plural %}Delete {{ counter }} items{% endblocktranslate %}{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
{% trans "Delete" as del_str %}
{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/header.html" with title=del_str icon="doc-empty-inverse" %}
{% endblock header %}
{% block items_with_access %}
{% if items %}
<p>{% trans "Are you sure you want to delete these items?" %}</p>
{% for item in items %}
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{{ item.item.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock items_with_access %}
{% block items_with_no_access %}
{% blocktranslate trimmed asvar no_access_msg count counter=items_with_no_access|length %}You don't have permission to delete this item{% plural %}You don't have permission to delete these items{% endblocktranslate %}
{% include './list_items_with_no_access.html' with items=items_with_no_access no_access_msg=no_access_msg %}
{% endblock items_with_no_access %}
{% block form_section %}
{% if items %}
{% trans 'Yes, delete' as action_button_text %}
{% trans "No, don't delete" as no_action_button_text %}
{% include 'wagtailadmin/bulk_actions/confirmation/form.html' with action_button_class="serious" %}
{% else %}
{% include 'wagtailadmin/bulk_actions/confirmation/go_back.html' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock form_section %}
<!-- ./list_items_with_no_access.html -->
{% extends 'wagtailadmin/bulk_actions/confirmation/list_items_with_no_access.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block per_item %}
{% if item.can_edit %}
<a href="{% url 'wagtailadmin_pages:edit' item.item.id %}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{{ item.item.title }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ item.item.title }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock per_item %}
The `execute_action` classmethod is the only method that must be overridden for the bulk action to work properly. It takes a list of objects as the only required argument, and a bunch of keyword arguments that can be supplied by overriding the `get_execution_context` method. For example.
def execute_action(cls, objects, **kwargs):
# the kwargs here is the output of the get_execution_context method
user = kwargs.get('user', None)
num_parent_objects, num_child_objects = 0, 0
# you could run the action per object or run them in bulk using django's bulk update and delete methods
for obj in objects:
num_child_objects += obj.get_children().count()
num_parent_objects += 1
num_parent_objects += 1
return num_parent_objects, num_child_objects
The `get_execution_context` method can be overridden to provide context to the `execute_action`
def get_execution_context(self):
return { 'user': self.request.user }
The `get_context_data` method can be overridden to pass additional context to the confirmation template.
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['new_key'] = some_value
return context
The `check_perm` method can be overridden to check if an object has some permission or not. Objects for which the `check_perm` returns `False` will be available in the context under the key `'items_with_no_access'`.
def check_perm(self, obj):
return obj.has_perm('some_perm') # returns True or False
The success message shown on the admin can be customized by overriding the `get_success_message` method.
def get_success_message(self, num_parent_objects, num_child_objects):
return _("{} objects, including {} child objects have been updated".format(num_parent_objects, num_child_objects))
## Adding bulk actions to the page explorer
When creating a custom bulk action class for pages, subclass from `wagtail.admin.views.pages.bulk_actions.page_bulk_action.PageBulkAction` instead of `wagtail.admin.views.bulk_action.BulkAction`
### Basic example
from wagtail.admin.views.pages.bulk_actions.page_bulk_action import PageBulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomPageBulkAction(PageBulkAction):
## Adding bulk actions to the Images listing
When creating a custom bulk action class for images, subclass from `wagtail.images.views.bulk_actions.image_bulk_action.ImageBulkAction` instead of `wagtail.admin.views.bulk_action.BulkAction`
### Basic example
from wagtail.images.views.bulk_actions.image_bulk_action import ImageBulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomImageBulkAction(ImageBulkAction):
## Adding bulk actions to the documents listing
When creating a custom bulk action class for documents, subclass from `wagtail.documents.views.bulk_actions.document_bulk_action.DocumentBulkAction` instead of `wagtail.admin.views.bulk_action.BulkAction`
### Basic example
from wagtail.documents.views.bulk_actions.document_bulk_action import DocumentBulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomDocumentBulkAction(DocumentBulkAction):
## Adding bulk actions to the user listing
When creating a custom bulk action class for users, subclass from `wagtail.users.views.bulk_actions.user_bulk_action.UserBulkAction` instead of `wagtail.admin.views.bulk_action.BulkAction`
### Basic example
from wagtail.users.views.bulk_actions.user_bulk_action import UserBulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomUserBulkAction(UserBulkAction):
## Adding bulk actions to the snippets listing
When creating a custom bulk action class for snippets, subclass from `wagtail.snippets.bulk_actions.snippet_bulk_action.SnippetBulkAction`
instead of `wagtail.admin.views.bulk_action.BulkAction`
### Basic example
from wagtail.snippets.bulk_actions.snippet_bulk_action import SnippetBulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomSnippetBulkAction(SnippetBulkAction):
# ...
If you want to apply an action only to certain snippets, override the `models` list in the action class
from wagtail.snippets.bulk_actions.snippet_bulk_action import SnippetBulkAction
from wagtail import hooks
class CustomSnippetBulkAction(SnippetBulkAction):
models = [SnippetA, SnippetB]
# ...