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title sidebar_label
Displaying Products Frontend

Now we have created products and configured our shipping, we can start thinking about actually displaying the products to our customers.

Displaying the Basket

Longclaw provides a REST API endpoint for retrieving basket data and a django view.

To use the django view, we must provide a template titled basket/basket.html. It is common to provide a link to the basket page in the header. We can use the url tag in our site header to provide the link::

{% url 'longclaw-basket' %}

In the basket template, we have access to all basket items under the basket context::

{% for item in basket %}
{% endfor %}

For the full implementation of the basket template, take a look at the longclaw demo repository <https://github.com/JamesRamm/longclaw_demo/blob/master/longclaw_demo/templates/basket/basket.html>_