
967 wiersze
30 KiB

Helium Mapper build for LilyGo TTGO T-Beam v1.1 boards.
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 by Max-Plastix
This is a development fork by Max-Plastix hosted here:
This code comes from a number of developers and earlier efforts, visible in the
full lineage on Github, including: Fizzy, longfi-arduino, Kyle T. Gabriel, and Xose Pérez
GPL makes this all possible -- continue to modify, extend, and share!
Main module
# Modified by Kyle T. Gabriel to fix issue with incorrect GPS data for
Copyright (C) 2018 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Preferences.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <axp20x.h>
#include <lmic.h>
#include "configuration.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "ttn.h"
// Defined in ttn.ino
void ttn_register(void (*callback)(uint8_t message));
bool justSendNow = true; // Start by firing off an Uplink
unsigned long int last_send_ms = 0; // Time of last uplink
unsigned long int last_moved_ms = 0; // Time of last movement
float last_send_lat = 0; // Last known location
float last_send_lon = 0;
float dist_moved = 0; // Distance in m from last uplink
// Deadzone (no uplink) location and radius
float deadzone_lat = DEADZONE_LAT;
float deadzone_lon = DEADZONE_LON;
float deadzone_radius_m = DEADZONE_RADIUS_M;
boolean in_deadzone = false;
/* Defaults that can be overwritten by downlink messages */
/* (32-bit int seconds allows for 50 days) */
unsigned int rest_wait_s; // prefs REST_WAIT
unsigned int rest_tx_interval_s; // prefs REST_TX_INTERVAL
unsigned int stationary_tx_interval_s; // prefs STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL
unsigned int tx_interval_s; // Currently-active time interval
float battery_low_voltage = BATTERY_LOW_VOLTAGE;
float min_dist_moved = MIN_DIST;
AXP20X_Class axp;
bool pmu_irq = false; // true when PMU IRQ pending
bool ssd1306_found = false;
bool axp192_found = false;
bool packetQueued;
bool isJoined = false;
bool screen_stay_on = false;
bool is_screen_on = true;
int screen_idle_off_s = SCREEN_IDLE_OFF_S;
uint32_t screen_last_active_ms = 0;
// Buffer for Payload frame
static uint8_t txBuffer[11];
// deep sleep support
RTC_DATA_ATTR int bootCount = 0;
esp_sleep_source_t wakeCause; // the reason we booted this time
char buffer[40]; // Screen buffer
dr_t lorawan_sf; // prefs LORAWAN_SF
char sf_name[40];
unsigned long int ack_req = 0;
unsigned long int ack_rx = 0;
// Same format as CubeCell mappers
void buildPacket(uint8_t txBuffer[]) {
uint32_t LatitudeBinary;
uint32_t LongitudeBinary;
uint16_t altitudeGps;
// uint8_t hdopGps;
uint8_t sats;
uint16_t speed;
LatitudeBinary = ((gps_latitude() + 90) / 180.0) * 16777215;
LongitudeBinary = ((gps_longitude() + 180) / 360.0) * 16777215;
altitudeGps = (uint16_t)gps_altitude();
speed = (uint16_t)gps_speed(); // convert from float
sats = gps_sats();
sprintf(buffer, "Lat: %f, ", gps_latitude());
sprintf(buffer, "Long: %f, ", gps_longitude());
sprintf(buffer, "Alt: %f, ", gps_altitude());
sprintf(buffer, "Sats: %d", sats);
txBuffer[0] = (LatitudeBinary >> 16) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[1] = (LatitudeBinary >> 8) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[2] = LatitudeBinary & 0xFF;
txBuffer[3] = (LongitudeBinary >> 16) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[4] = (LongitudeBinary >> 8) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[5] = LongitudeBinary & 0xFF;
txBuffer[6] = (altitudeGps >> 8) & 0xFF;
txBuffer[7] = altitudeGps & 0xFF;
txBuffer[8] = ((unsigned char *)(&speed))[0];
uint16_t batteryVoltage = ((float_t)((float_t)(axp.getBattVoltage()) / 10.0) + .5);
txBuffer[9] = (uint8_t)((batteryVoltage - 200) & 0xFF);
txBuffer[10] = sats & 0xFF;
// Send a packet, if one is warranted
bool trySend() {
float now_lat = gps_latitude();
float now_long = gps_longitude();
unsigned long int now = millis();
// Here we try to filter out bogus GPS readings.
// It's not correct, and there should be a better indication from GPS that the
// fix is invalid
if (gps_hdop() <= 0 || gps_hdop() > 50 || now_lat == 0.0 // Not fair to the whole equator
|| now_lat > 90.0 || now_lat < -90.0 || now_long == 0.0 // Not fair to King George
|| now_long < -180.0 || now_long > 180.0 || gps_altitude() == 0.0 // Not fair to the ocean
|| gps_sats() < 4)
return false; // Rejected as bogus GPS reading.
// Don't attempt to send or update until we join Helium
if (!isJoined)
return false;
// LoRa is not ready for a new packet, maybe still sending the last one.
if (!LMIC_queryTxReady())
return false;
// Check if there is not a current TX/RX job running
if (LMIC.opmode & OP_TXRXPEND)
return false;
// distance from last transmitted location
float dist_moved = gps_distanceBetween(last_send_lat, last_send_lon, now_lat, now_long);
float deadzone_dist = gps_distanceBetween(deadzone_lat, deadzone_lon, now_lat, now_long);
in_deadzone = (deadzone_dist <= deadzone_radius_m);
Serial.printf("[Time %lu / %us, Moved %dm in %lus %c]\n", (now - last_send_ms) / 1000, tx_interval_s,
(int32_t)dist_moved, (now - last_moved_ms) / 1000, in_deadzone ? 'D' : '-');
// Deadzone means we don't send unless asked
if (in_deadzone && !justSendNow)
return false;
char because = '?';
if (justSendNow) {
justSendNow = false;
Serial.println("** JUST_SEND_NOW");
because = '>';
} else if (dist_moved > min_dist_moved) {
Serial.println("** MOVING");
last_moved_ms = now;
because = 'D';
} else if (now - last_send_ms > tx_interval_s * 1000) {
Serial.println("** TIME");
because = 'T';
} else {
return false; // Nothing to do, go home early
// SEND a Packet!
// digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
// The first distance-moved is crazy, since has no origin.. don't put it on
// screen.
if (dist_moved > 1000000)
dist_moved = 0;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\n%d %c %4lus %4.0fm ", ttn_get_count(), because, (now - last_send_ms) / 1000,
// prepare the LoRa frame
// Want an ACK on this one?
bool confirmed = (LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_EVERY > 0) && (ttn_get_count() % LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_EVERY == 0);
if (confirmed) {
Serial.println("ACK requested");
screen_print("? ");
digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW); // Light LED
// send it!
packetQueued = true;
if (!ttn_send(txBuffer, sizeof(txBuffer), LORAWAN_PORT, confirmed)) {
Serial.println("Surprise send failure!");
return false;
last_send_ms = now;
last_send_lat = now_lat;
last_send_lon = now_long;
screen_last_active_ms = now;
return true; // We did it!
Mapper namespace
mapper {
void mapper_restore_prefs(void) {
Preferences p;
if (p.begin("mapper", true)) // Read-only
min_dist_moved = p.getFloat("min_dist", MIN_DIST);
rest_wait_s = p.getUInt("rest_wait", REST_WAIT);
rest_tx_interval_s = p.getUInt("rest_tx", REST_TX_INTERVAL);
stationary_tx_interval_s = p.getUInt("tx_interval", STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL);
if (sizeof(lorawan_sf) != sizeof(unsigned char))
Serial.println("Error! size mismatch for sf");
lorawan_sf = p.getUChar("sf", LORAWAN_SF);
// Close the Preferences
} else {
Serial.println("No Mapper prefs -- using defaults.");
min_dist_moved = MIN_DIST;
rest_wait_s = REST_WAIT;
rest_tx_interval_s = REST_TX_INTERVAL;
stationary_tx_interval_s = STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL;
lorawan_sf = LORAWAN_SF;
tx_interval_s = stationary_tx_interval_s;
void mapper_save_prefs(void) {
Preferences p;
Serial.println("Saving prefs.");
if (p.begin("mapper", false)) {
p.putFloat("min_dist", min_dist_moved);
p.putUInt("rest_wait", rest_wait_s);
p.putUInt("rest_tx", rest_tx_interval_s);
p.putUInt("tx_interval", stationary_tx_interval_s);
p.putUChar("sf", lorawan_sf);
void mapper_erase_prefs(void) {
#if 0
nvs_flash_erase(); // erase the NVS partition and...
nvs_flash_init(); // initialize the NVS partition.
Preferences p;
if (p.begin("mapper", false)) {
#if 0
void doDeepSleep(uint64_t msecToWake)
Serial.printf("Entering deep sleep for %llu seconds\n", msecToWake / 1000);
// not using wifi yet, but once we are this is needed to shutoff the radio hw
// esp_wifi_stop();
screen_off(); // datasheet says this will draw only 10ua
LMIC_shutdown(); // cleanly shutdown the radio
if (axp192_found) {
// turn on after initial testing with real hardware
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // LORA radio
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // GPS main power
// FIXME - use an external 10k pulldown so we can leave the RTC peripherals powered off
// until then we need the following lines
// Only GPIOs which are have RTC functionality can be used in this bit map: 0,2,4,12-15,25-27,32-39.
uint64_t gpioMask = (1ULL << MIDDLE_BUTTON_PIN);
// FIXME change polarity so we can wake on ANY_HIGH instead - that would allow us to use all three buttons (instead of just the first)
gpio_pullup_en((gpio_num_t) MIDDLE_BUTTON_PIN);
esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(gpioMask, ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(msecToWake * 1000ULL); // call expects usecs
esp_deep_sleep_start(); // TBD mA sleep current (battery)
// LoRa message event callback
void lora_msg_callback(uint8_t message) {
static boolean seen_joined = false, seen_joining = false;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "## MSG %d\n", message);
if (EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE == message)
Serial.println("# JOIN_TXCOMPLETE");
if (EV_TXCOMPLETE == message)
Serial.println("# TXCOMPLETE");
if (EV_RXCOMPLETE == message)
Serial.println("# RXCOMPLETE");
if (EV_RXSTART == message)
Serial.println("# RXSTART");
if (EV_TXCANCELED == message)
Serial.println("# TXCANCELED");
if (EV_TXSTART == message)
Serial.println("# TXSTART");
if (EV_JOINING == message)
Serial.println("# JOINING");
if (EV_JOINED == message)
Serial.println("# JOINED");
if (EV_JOIN_FAILED == message)
Serial.println("# JOIN_FAILED");
if (EV_REJOIN_FAILED == message)
Serial.println("# REJOIN_FAILED");
if (EV_RESET == message)
Serial.println("# RESET");
if (EV_LINK_DEAD == message)
Serial.println("# LINK_DEAD");
if (EV_ACK == message)
Serial.println("# ACK");
if (EV_PENDING == message)
Serial.println("# PENDING");
if (EV_QUEUED == message)
Serial.println("# QUEUED");
/* This is confusing because JOINED is sometimes spoofed and comes early */
if (EV_JOINED == message)
seen_joined = true;
if (EV_JOINING == message)
seen_joining = true;
if (!isJoined && seen_joined && seen_joining) {
isJoined = true;
screen_print("Joined Helium!\n");
ttn_set_sf(lorawan_sf); // Joining seems to leave it at SF10?
ttn_get_sf_name(sf_name, sizeof(sf_name));
justSendNow = true;
if (EV_TXSTART == message) {
// We only want to say 'packetSent' for our packets (not packets needed for
// joining)
if (EV_TXCOMPLETE == message && packetQueued) {
// screen_print("sent.\n");
packetQueued = false;
if (axp192_found)
if (EV_ACK == message) {
digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
Serial.printf("ACK! %lu / %lu\n", ack_rx, ack_req);
screen_print("! ");
if (EV_RXCOMPLETE == message || EV_RESPONSE == message) {
size_t len = ttn_response_len();
uint8_t data[len];
uint8_t port;
ttn_response(&port, data, len);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nRx: %d on P%d\n", len, port);
Serial.printf("Downlink on port: %d = ", port);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (data[i] < 16)
Serial.print(data[i], HEX);
* Downlink format: FPort 1
* 2 Bytes: Minimum Distance (1 to 65535) meters, or 0 no-change
* 2 Bytes: Minimum Time (1 to 65535) seconds (18.2 hours) between pings, or
* 0 no-change, or 0xFFFF to use default 1 Byte: Battery voltage (2.0
* to 4.5) for auto-shutoff, or 0 no-change
if (port == 1 && len == 5) {
float new_distance = (float)(data[0] << 8 | data[1]);
if (new_distance > 0.0) {
min_dist_moved = new_distance;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNew Dist: %.0fm\n", new_distance);
unsigned long int new_interval = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
if (new_interval) {
if (new_interval == 0xFFFF) {
stationary_tx_interval_s = STATIONARY_TX_INTERVAL;
} else {
stationary_tx_interval_s = new_interval;
tx_interval_s = stationary_tx_interval_s;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNew Time: %.0lus\n", new_interval);
if (data[4]) {
float new_low_voltage = data[4] / 100.00 + 2.00;
battery_low_voltage = new_low_voltage;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNew LowBat: %.2fv\n", new_low_voltage);
void scanI2Cdevice(void) {
byte err, addr;
int nDevices = 0;
for (addr = 1; addr < 127; addr++) {
err = Wire.endTransmission();
if (err == 0) {
#if 0
Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
if (addr < 16)
Serial.print(addr, HEX);
Serial.println(" !");
if (addr == SSD1306_ADDRESS) {
ssd1306_found = true;
Serial.println("SSD1306 OLED display");
if (addr == AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS) {
axp192_found = true;
Serial.println("AXP192 PMU");
} else if (err == 4) {
Serial.print("Unknow i2c device at 0x");
if (addr < 16)
Serial.println(addr, HEX);
if (nDevices == 0)
Serial.println("No I2C devices found!\n");
/* else Serial.println("done\n"); */
Init the power manager chip
axp192 power
DCDC1 0.7-3.5V @ 1200mA max -> OLED // If you turn this off you'll lose comms
to the axp192 because the OLED and the axp192 share the same i2c bus use
ssd1306 sleep mode instead DCDC2 -> unused DCDC3 0.7-3.5V @ 700mA max -> ESP32
(keep this on!) LDO1 30mA -> "VCC_RTC" charges GPS backup battery // charges
the tiny J13 battery by the GPS to power the GPS ram (for a couple of days),
can not be turned off LDO2 200mA -> "LORA_VCC" LDO3 200mA -> "GPS_VCC"
void axp192Init() {
if (axp192_found) {
if (!axp.begin(Wire, AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS)) {
// Serial.println("AXP192 Begin PASS");
} else {
Serial.println("axp.begin() FAIL");
axp192_found = false;
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // LORA radio
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); // GPS main power
axp.setLDO3Voltage(3300); // For GPS Power. Can run on 2.7v to 3.6v
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC1, AXP202_ON); // OLED power
axp.setDCDC1Voltage(3300); // for the OLED power
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC2, AXP202_OFF); // Unconnected
AXP202_OFF); // "EXTEN" pin, normally unused
// Flash the Blue LED until our first packet is transmitted
// axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF);
#if 0
Serial.printf("DCDC1: %s\n", axp.isDCDC1Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("DCDC2: %s\n", axp.isDCDC2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("DCDC3: %s\n", axp.isDCDC3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
//Serial.printf("LDO1: %s\n", axp.isLDO1Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("LDO2: %s\n", axp.isLDO2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("LDO3: %s\n", axp.isLDO3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
Serial.printf("Exten: %s\n", axp.isExtenEnable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
PMU_IRQ, [] { pmu_irq = true; }, FALLING);
// Configure REG 36H: PEK press key parameter set. Index values for
// argument!
axp.setStartupTime(2); // "Power on time": 512mS
axp.setlongPressTime(2); // "Long time key press time": 2S
axp.setShutdownTime(2); // "Power off time" = 8S
axp.setTimeOutShutdown(1); // "When key press time is longer than power off
// time, auto power off"
// Serial.printf("AC IN: %fv\n", axp.getAcinVoltage());
// Serial.printf("Vbus: %fv\n", axp.getVbusVoltage());
Serial.printf("PMIC Temp %0.2f°C\n", axp.getTemp());
// Serial.printf("TSTemp %f°C\n", axp.getTSTemp());
// Serial.printf("GPIO0 %fv\n", axp.getGPIO0Voltage());
// Serial.printf("GPIO1 %fv\n", axp.getGPIO1Voltage());
// Serial.printf("Batt In: %fmW\n", axp.getBattInpower());
Serial.printf("Batt: %0.3fv\n", axp.getBattVoltage() / 1000.0);
Serial.printf("SysIPSOut: %0.3fv\n", axp.getSysIPSOUTVoltage() / 1000.0);
Serial.printf("isVBUSPlug? %s\n", axp.isVBUSPlug() ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.printf("isChargingEnable? %s\n", axp.isChargeingEnable() ? "Yes" : "No");
Serial.printf("ChargeCurrent: %.2fmA\n", axp.getSettingChargeCurrent());
Serial.printf("ChargeControlCurrent: %d\n", axp.getChargeControlCur());
Serial.printf("Charge: %d%%\n", axp.getBattPercentage());
Serial.printf("WarningLevel1: %d mV\n", axp.getVWarningLevel1());
Serial.printf("WarningLevel2: %d mV\n", axp.getVWarningLevel2());
Serial.printf("PowerDown: %d mV\n", axp.getPowerDownVoltage());
Serial.printf("DCDC1Voltage: %d mV\n", axp.getDCDC1Voltage());
Serial.printf("DCDC2Voltage: %d mV\n", axp.getDCDC2Voltage());
Serial.printf("DCDC3Voltage: %d mV\n", axp.getDCDC3Voltage());
Serial.printf("LDO2: %d mV\n", axp.getLDO2Voltage());
Serial.printf("LDO3: %d mV\n", axp.getLDO3Voltage());
Serial.printf("LDO4: %d mV\n", axp.getLDO4Voltage());
// Enable battery current measurements
axp.adc1Enable(AXP202_BATT_CUR_ADC1, 1);
axp.enableIRQ(0xFFFFFFFFFF, 1); // Give me ALL the interrupts you have.
// @Kenny_PDY discovered that low-battery voltage inhibits detecting the menu button.
// Disable these two IRQs until we figure out why it blocks the PEK button IRQs.
} else {
Serial.println("AXP192 not found!");
// Perform power on init that we do on each wake from deep sleep
void wakeup() {
wakeCause = esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause();
Serial.printf("BOOT #%d! cause:%d ext1:%08llx\n", bootCount, wakeCause, esp_sleep_get_ext1_wakeup_status());
void setup() {
// Debug
Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
// GPS sometimes gets wedged with no satellites in view and only a power-cycle
// saves it. Here we turn off power and the delay in screen setup is enough
// time to bonk the GPS
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // GPS power off
// Buttons & LED
digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH); // Off
// Hello
mapper_restore_prefs(); // Fetch saved settings
// Don't init display if we don't have one or we are waking headless due to a
// timer event
if (0 && wakeCause == ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TIMER)
ssd1306_found = false; // forget we even have the hardware
if (ssd1306_found)
// GPS power on, so it has time to setttle.
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON);
// Show logo on first boot (as opposed to wake)
if (bootCount <= 1) {
screen_print(APP_NAME " " APP_VERSION, 0, 0); // Above the Logo
screen_print(APP_NAME " " APP_VERSION "\n"); // Add it to the log too
// Helium setup
if (!ttn_setup()) {
screen_print("[ERR] Radio module not found!\n");
// Might have to add a longer delay here for GPS boot-up
gps_setup(); // Init GPS baudrate and messages
// Power OFF -- does not return
void clean_shutdown(void) {
LMIC_shutdown(); // cleanly shutdown the radio
if (axp192_found) {
axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); // Surprisingly sticky if you don't set it
axp.shutdown(); // PMIC power off
} else {
while (1)
; // ?? What to do here
void update_activity() {
uint32_t now = millis();
float bat_volts = axp.getBattVoltage() / 1000;
float charge_ma = axp.getBattChargeCurrent();
// float discharge_ma = axp.getBatChargeCurrent();
if (axp192_found && axp.isBatteryConnect() && bat_volts < battery_low_voltage && charge_ma < 99.0) {
Serial.println("Low Battery OFF");
screen_print("\nLow Battery OFF\n");
delay(4999); // Give some time to read the screen
if (now - last_moved_ms > rest_wait_s * 1000)
tx_interval_s = rest_tx_interval_s;
tx_interval_s = stationary_tx_interval_s;
if (now - screen_last_active_ms > screen_idle_off_s * 1000) {
if (is_screen_on) {
is_screen_on = false;
} else {
if (!is_screen_on) {
is_screen_on = true;
/* I must know what that interrupt was for! */
const char *find_irq_name(void) {
const char *irq_name = "MysteryIRQ";
if (axp.isAcinOverVoltageIRQ())
irq_name = "AcinOverVoltage";
else if (axp.isAcinPlugInIRQ())
irq_name = "AcinPlugIn";
else if (axp.isAcinRemoveIRQ())
irq_name = "AcinRemove";
else if (axp.isVbusOverVoltageIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusOverVoltage";
else if (axp.isVbusPlugInIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusPlugIn";
else if (axp.isVbusRemoveIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusRemove";
else if (axp.isVbusLowVHOLDIRQ())
irq_name = "VbusLowVHOLD";
else if (axp.isBattPlugInIRQ())
irq_name = "BattPlugIn";
else if (axp.isBattRemoveIRQ())
irq_name = "BattRemove";
else if (axp.isBattEnterActivateIRQ())
irq_name = "BattEnterActivate";
else if (axp.isBattExitActivateIRQ())
irq_name = "BattExitActivate";
else if (axp.isChargingIRQ())
irq_name = "Charging";
else if (axp.isChargingDoneIRQ())
irq_name = "ChargingDone";
else if (axp.isBattTempLowIRQ())
irq_name = "BattTempLow";
else if (axp.isBattTempHighIRQ())
irq_name = "BattTempHigh";
else if (axp.isChipOvertemperatureIRQ())
irq_name = "ChipOvertemperature";
else if (axp.isChargingCurrentLessIRQ())
irq_name = "ChargingCurrentLess";
else if (axp.isDC2VoltageLessIRQ())
irq_name = "DC2VoltageLess";
else if (axp.isDC3VoltageLessIRQ())
irq_name = "DC3VoltageLess";
else if (axp.isLDO3VoltageLessIRQ())
irq_name = "LDO3VoltageLess";
else if (axp.isPEKShortPressIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKShortPress";
else if (axp.isPEKLongtPressIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKLongtPress";
else if (axp.isNOEPowerOnIRQ())
irq_name = "NOEPowerOn";
else if (axp.isNOEPowerDownIRQ())
irq_name = "NOEPowerDown";
else if (axp.isVBUSEffectiveIRQ())
irq_name = "VBUSEffective";
else if (axp.isVBUSInvalidIRQ())
irq_name = "VBUSInvalid";
else if (axp.isVUBSSessionIRQ())
irq_name = "VUBSSession";
else if (axp.isVUBSSessionEndIRQ())
irq_name = "VUBSSessionEnd";
else if (axp.isLowVoltageLevel1IRQ())
irq_name = "LowVoltageLevel1";
else if (axp.isLowVoltageLevel2IRQ())
irq_name = "LowVoltageLevel2";
else if (axp.isTimerTimeoutIRQ())
irq_name = "TimerTimeout";
else if (axp.isPEKRisingEdgeIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKRisingEdge";
else if (axp.isPEKFallingEdgeIRQ())
irq_name = "PEKFallingEdge";
else if (axp.isGPIO3InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO3InputEdgeTrigger";
else if (axp.isGPIO2InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO2InputEdgeTrigger";
else if (axp.isGPIO1InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO1InputEdgeTrigger";
else if (axp.isGPIO0InputEdgeTriggerIRQ())
irq_name = "GPIO0InputEdgeTrigger";
return irq_name;
struct menu_entry {
const char *name;
void (*func)(void);
void menu_send_now(void) {
justSendNow = true;
void menu_power_off(void) {
screen_print("\nPOWER OFF...\n");
delay(4000); // Give some time to read the screen
void menu_flush_prefs(void) {
screen_print("\nFlushing Prefs!\n");
delay(5000); // Give some time to read the screen
void menu_distance_plus(void) {
min_dist_moved += 5;
void menu_distance_minus(void) {
min_dist_moved -= 5;
if (min_dist_moved < 10)
min_dist_moved = 10;
void menu_time_plus(void) {
stationary_tx_interval_s += 10;
void menu_time_minus(void) {
stationary_tx_interval_s -= 10;
if (stationary_tx_interval_s < 10)
stationary_tx_interval_s = 10;
void menu_gps_passthrough(void) {
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // Kill LORA radio
// Does not return.
void menu_experiment(void) {
static boolean power_toggle = true;
Serial.printf("%f mA %f mW\n", axp.getBattChargeCurrent() - axp.getBattDischargeCurrent(), axp.getBattInpower());
power_toggle ? AXP202_ON : AXP202_OFF); // GPS main power
power_toggle = !power_toggle;
void menu_deadzone_here(void) {
deadzone_lat = gps_latitude();
deadzone_lon = gps_longitude();
void menu_stay_on(void) {
screen_stay_on = !screen_stay_on;
dr_t sf_list[] = {DR_SF7, DR_SF8, DR_SF9, DR_SF10};
#define SF_ENTRIES (sizeof(sf_list) / sizeof(sf_list[0]))
uint8_t sf_index = 0;
void menu_change_sf(void) {
if (sf_index >= SF_ENTRIES)
sf_index = 0;
lorawan_sf = sf_list[sf_index];
ttn_get_sf_name(sf_name, sizeof(sf_name));
Serial.printf("New SF: %s\n", sf_name);
struct menu_entry menu[] = {
{"Send Now", menu_send_now}, {"Power Off", menu_power_off}, {"Distance +", menu_distance_plus},
{"Distance -", menu_distance_minus}, {"Time +", menu_time_plus}, {"Time -", menu_time_minus},
{"Change SF", menu_change_sf}, {"Flush Prefs", menu_flush_prefs}, {"USB GPS", menu_gps_passthrough},
{"Deadzone Here", menu_deadzone_here}, {"Stay On", menu_stay_on}, {"Danger", menu_experiment}};
#define MENU_ENTRIES (sizeof(menu) / sizeof(menu[0]))
const char *menu_prev;
const char *menu_cur;
const char *menu_next;
boolean in_menu = false;
boolean is_highlighted = false;
int menu_entry = 0;
static uint32_t menu_idle_start = 0; // what tick should we call this press long enough
void menu_press(void) {
if (in_menu)
menu_entry = (menu_entry + 1) % MENU_ENTRIES;
in_menu = true;
menu_prev = menu[(menu_entry - 1) % MENU_ENTRIES].name;
menu_cur = menu[menu_entry].name;
menu_next = menu[(menu_entry + 1) % MENU_ENTRIES].name;
menu_idle_start = millis();
void menu_selected(void) {
menu_idle_start = millis();
void loop() {
if (in_menu && millis() - menu_idle_start > (5 * 1000))
in_menu = false;
screen_loop(tx_interval_s, min_dist_moved, sf_name, gps_sats(), in_menu, menu_prev, menu_cur, menu_next,
is_highlighted, in_deadzone);
// If any interrupts on PMIC, report the name
// PEK button handler
if (axp192_found && pmu_irq) {
const char *irq_name;
pmu_irq = false;
irq_name = find_irq_name();
if (axp.isPEKShortPressIRQ())
else if (axp.isPEKLongtPressIRQ()) // They want to turn OFF
else {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\n* %s ", irq_name);
screen_last_active_ms = millis();
// Middle Button handler
static uint32_t pressTime = 0;
if (!digitalRead(MIDDLE_BUTTON_PIN)) {
// Pressure is on
if (!pressTime) { // just started a new press
pressTime = millis();
screen_last_active_ms = pressTime;
is_highlighted = true;
} else if (pressTime) {
// we just did a release
if (in_menu)
else {
screen_print("\nSend! ");
justSendNow = true;
is_highlighted = false;
if (millis() - pressTime > 1000) {
// Was a long press
} else {
// Was a short press
pressTime = 0; // Released
if (trySend()) {
// Good send
if (axp192_found)
} else {
// Nothing sent.
// Do NOT delay() here.. the LoRa receiver and join housekeeping also needs to run!