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Compiling from sources

Microsoft Windows (10, 8.1)

Common Requirements

On Windows users should ensure that the following software is installed:

  • 7zip
  • git
  • cmake (3.17.0 or later)
  • MinGW-w64 (7.0.0 or later) with GCC toolchain 8.1.0


  1. Install 7zip from
  2. Install git from
  3. Install cmake from
    Ensure that you add cmake to the $PATH system variable when following the instructions by the setup assistant.
  4. Install
  • EITHER: MinGW-w64 from (mingw-w64-install.exe)
  • OR: Visual Studio 2017 CE (other versions will likely work as well, but are untested; the Community edition is free for open source development)
  1. Create a new destination folder at a place of your choice
  2. Open the command-line (cmd.exe) and execute cd C:\$Path-to-your-destination-folder$\
  3. Fetch the project sourcefiles by running git clone the command-line (cmd.exe)
    or download the stlink zip-sourcefolder from the Release page on GitHub



  1. Use the command-line to move to the scripts directory within the source-folder: cd stlink\scripts\
  2. Execute ./mingw64-build.bat

Per default the build script (currently) uses C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-release-win32-sjlj-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64\bin.
When installing different toolchains make sure to update the path in the mingw64-build.bat.
This can be achieved by opening the .bat file with a common text editor.

Visual Studio (32 bit)

  1. In a command prompt, change the directory to the folder where the stlink files were cloned (or unzipped) to.
  2. Make sure the build folder exists (mkdir build if not).
  3. From the build folder, run cmake (cd build; cmake ..).

This will create a solution (stlink.sln) in the build folder. Open it in Visual Studio, select the Solution Configuration (Debug or Release) and build the solution normally (F7).

This solution will link to the dll version of libusb-1.0.y
To debug or run the executable, the dll version of libusb-1.0 must be either on the path, or in the same folder as the executable.
It can be copied from here: build\3rdparty\libusb-1.0.21\MS32\dll\libusb-1.0.dll.


Common requirements

Install the following packages from your package repository:

  • gcc or clang or mingw32-gcc or mingw64-gcc (C-compiler; very likely gcc is already present)
  • build-essential (on Debian based distros (debian, ubuntu))
  • cmake (3.4.2 or later, use the latest version available from the repository)
  • libusb-1.0
  • libusb-1.0-0-dev (development headers for building)
  • libgtk-3-dev (optional, needed for stlink-gui)
  • pandoc (optional, needed for generating manpages from markdown)

or execute (Debian-based systems only): apt-get install gcc build-essential cmake libusb-1.0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libgtk-3-dev pandoc

(Replace gcc with the intended C-compiler if necessary or leave out any optional package not needed.)


  1. Open a new terminal console
  2. Create a new destination folder at a place of your choice e.g. at ~/git: mkdir $HOME/git
  3. Change to this directory: cd ~/git
  4. Fetch the project sourcefiles by running git clone


  1. Change into the project source directory: cd stlink
  2. Run make release to create the Release target
  3. Run make debug to create the Debug target (optional)
    The debug target is only necessary in order to modify the sources and to run under a debugger.

The top level Makefile is just a handy wrapper for:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./cmake/linux-mingw64.cmake -S ..
$ make
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./cmake/linux-mingw32.cmake -S ..
$ make

As an alternative you may also install

  • to a user folder e.g $HOME with cd build/Release && make install DESTDIR=$HOME
  • or system wide with cd build/Release && sudo make install.

When installing system-wide, the dynamic library cache needs to be updated with the command ldconfig.

Build a Debian Package

To build the debian package you need the following extra packages: devscripts debhelper.

$ git archive --prefix=$(git describe)/ HEAD | bzip2 --stdout > ../libstlink_$(sed -En -e "s/.*\((.*)\).*/\1/" -e "1,1 p" debian/changelog).orig.tar.bz2
$ debuild -uc -us

Set permissions with udev

By default most distributions don't allow access to USB devices. Therefore make sure you install udev files which are necessary to run the tools without root permissions. udev rules create devices nodes and set the group of these to stlink.

The rules are located in the subdirectory etc/udev/rules.d within the sourcefolder. Copy them to the directory path /etc/udev/rules.d and subsequently reload the udev rules:

$ cp etc/udev/rules.d /etc/udev/rules.d
$ udevadm control --reload-rules
$ udevadm trigger

Udev will now create device node files /dev/stlinkv2_XX, /dev/stlinkv1_XX. You need to ensure that the group stlink exists and the user who is trying to access these devices is a member of this group.

At the time of writing the STLink-v1 has mostly been replaced with the newer generation STLink-v2 programmers and thus is only rarely used. As there are some caveats as well, we recommend to use the STLink-v2 programmers if possible.

To be more precise, the STLINKv1's SCSI emulation is somehow broken, so the best advice possibly is to tell your operating system to completely ignore it.

Choose on of the following options before connecting the device to your computer:

  • modprobe -r usb-storage && modprobe usb-storage quirks=483:3744:i
  • OR
    1. echo "options usb-storage quirks=483:3744:i" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
    2. modprobe -r usb-storage && modprobe usb-storage
  • OR
    1. cp stlink_v1.modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.d
    2. modprobe -r usb-storage && modprobe usb-storage


Common requirements

The best way is to install a package manager for open source software, either homebrew or MacPorts.

Then install the following dependencies from the package repository:

  • git
  • cmake
  • libusb

To do this with only one simple command, type:

  • for homebrew: sudo brew install git cmake libusb or
  • for MacPorts:sudo port install git cmake libusb

Additionally we recommend to install Xcode which delivers the necessary C-compiler toolchain Clang (LLVM).


  1. Open a new terminal window
  2. Create a new destination folder at a place of your choice e.g. at ~/git: mkdir $HOME/git
  3. Change to this directory: cd ~/git
  4. Fetch the project sourcefiles by running git clone


  1. Change into the project source directory: cd stlink
  2. Run make release to create the Release target
  3. Run make debug to create the Debug target (optional)
    The debug target is only necessary in order to modify the sources and to run under a debugger.

Build using a different directory for shared libs

To put the compiled shared libs into a different directory during installation, you can use the cmake option cmake -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH="/usr/lib64" ...

Author: nightwalker-87