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Usage and Porting

Solo is designed to be used as a library or ported to other platforms easily. Here is an example main() function.

int main()
    uint8_t hidmsg[64];
    uint32_t t1 = 0;



        if (usbhid_recv(hidmsg) > 0)
            ctaphid_handle_packet(hidmsg);      // pass into libsolo!
            memset(hidmsg, 0, sizeof(hidmsg));



ctaphid_handle_packet(hidmsg); is the entrance into the HID layer of libsolo, and will buffer packets and pass them into FIDO2 or U2F layers.

Everything in the library is cross-platform, but it needs some functions implemented that are usually platform specific. For example, how should libsolo implement an atomic counter? Where should it save state? For all of these platform specific functions, the library contains it's own weak definition, so the library will compile and run. LibSolo by default will not try to use an atomic counter or save data persistently -- that needs to be implemented externally.

If you are using libsolo on another platform, you should take a look at these possibly platform specific functions. They are listed in fido2/device.h. If you'd like to reimplement any of the functions, then simply implement the function and compile normally. GCC will replace libsolo's weak defined functions (everything in fido2/device.h) with your functions. By doing this, you are replacing the function that is used by libsolo.

To get the library to compile and run, you only need to implement one function for libsolo: usbhid_send(uint8_t * send), which is called by the library to send a 64 byte packet over a USB HID endpoint. In essence, you are giving libsolo a function to write to USB.

The rest of the definitions in fido2/device.h are not required to compile and run so you can immediately hit the ground running and iterative add what else you need. You'll definitely want to continue implementing other functions in fido2/device.h. For example, no data will be stored persistently until you define how it can be done!

For examples, check out the build for STM32L4 and PC (check out pc/device and targets/stm32l432/src/device.c).

If there's something that doesn't work for you -- send a pull request! It's better if we can work together off of the same repo and not fork.