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Getting Started.

First we need to install following this Installation Guide.

Now that we have everything setup let's take a look in some quick examples.

Hello world app

from socketify import App

app = App()
app.get("/", lambda res, req: res.end("Hello World socketify from Python!"))
app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port))

This example just show how intuitive is to start an simple hello world app.

SSL version sample

from socketify import App, AppOptions

app = App(AppOptions(key_file_name="./misc/key.pem", cert_file_name="./misc/cert.pem", passphrase="1234"))
app.get("/", lambda res, req: res.end("Hello World socketify from Python!"))
app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port))

We have a lot of SSL options, but this is the most common you can see all the options in the API Reference


from socketify import App, AppOptions, OpCode, CompressOptions

def ws_open(ws):
    print('A WebSocket got connected!')
    ws.send("Hello World!", OpCode.TEXT)

def ws_message(ws, message, opcode):
    #Ok is false if backpressure was built up, wait for drain
    ok = ws.send(message, opcode)
app = App()"/*", {
    'compression': CompressOptions.SHARED_COMPRESSOR,
    'max_payload_length': 16 * 1024 * 1024,
    'idle_timeout': 12,
    'open': ws_open,
    'message': ws_message,
    'drain': lambda ws: print('WebSocket backpressure: %i' % ws.get_buffered_amount()),
    'close': lambda ws, code, message: print('WebSocket closed')
app.any("/", lambda res,req: res.end("Nothing to see here!'"))
app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % (config.port)))

We can have multiple routes for WebSockets, but in this example we just get one for anything we need, adding an option of compression using SHARED_COMPRESSOR, max_payload_length of 1mb and an idle timeout of 12s just to show some most commonly used features you can see all these options in the API Reference

If you just wanna to see some more examples you can go to our examples folder for more than 25 quick examples.

Next Corking Concept