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Fast WebSocket and Http/Https server using CFFI with C API from uNetworking/uWebSockets

This project will adapt the full capi from uNetworking/uWebSockets but for now it's just this.

Overly simple hello world app

from socketify import App

app = App()
app.get("/", lambda res, req: res.end("Hello World socketify from Python!"))
app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port))

pip install

pip install git+ --global-option=build_ext
#or specify PyPy3
pypy3 -m pip install git+ --global-option=build_ext


pypy3 ./

SSL version sample

from socketify import App, AppOptions

app = App(AppOptions(key_file_name="./misc/key.pem", cert_file_name="./misc/cert.pem", passphrase="1234"))
app.get("/", lambda res, req: res.end("Hello World socketify from Python!"))
app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port))

Build local from source

#clone and update submodules
git clone
cd ./
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
#install build with pip
pypy3 -m pip install --upgrade build
#build and install
pypy3 -m build
pypy3 -m pip install . --no-cache-dir --global-option=build_ext
#if you want to remove
pypy3 -m pip uninstall socketify