Remove delay in e2e tests

Signed-off-by: Louis Chemineau <>
Louis Chemineau 2023-06-28 13:56:24 +02:00
rodzic f8c0f24cf8
commit 9b62944d56
1 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 3 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ describe('Create posts', () => {
it('Write a post to @alice', () => {
cy.intercept({ times: 1, method: 'POST', url: '/index.php/apps/social/api/v1/statuses' }).as('postMessage')
cy.intercept({ times: 1, method: 'GET', url: '/index.php/apps/social/api/v1/global/accounts/search' })
cy.get('.new-post').find('[contenteditable]').type(`@${alice.userId}`, { delay: 500 })
cy.get('.tribute-container ul li:first').contains(alice.userId)
cy.get('.new-post').find('[contenteditable]').type('{enter} Hello there', { delay: 100, force: true })
cy.get('.new-post').find('[contenteditable]').type('{enter} Hello there')
cy.get('.new-post button[type=submit]').click()
cy.get('.social__timeline .timeline-entry:first-child').should('contain', `@${alice.userId}`)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ describe('Create posts', () => {
it('Opens the menu and shows that followers is selected by default', () => {
cy.intercept({ times: 1, method: 'POST', url: '/index.php/apps/social/api/v1/statuses' }).as('postMessage')
cy.intercept({ times: 1, method: 'GET', url: '/index.php/apps/social/api/v1/global/accounts/search' })
cy.get('.new-post').find('[contenteditable]').click({ force: true }).type(`@${alice.userId}{enter} Hello world`, { delay: 200, force: true })
cy.get('.new-post').find('[contenteditable]').type(`@${alice.userId}{enter} Hello world`)
cy.get('.new-post button[type=submit]').should('')
const visibilityButton = cy.get('.new-post .options > .action-item > div > button')