quick optimisation of the timeline tag

Signed-off-by: Maxence Lange <maxence@artificial-owl.com>
Maxence Lange 2019-10-01 12:18:20 +02:00
rodzic fa5c1c7597
commit 6ba6d86fa7
3 zmienionych plików z 15 dodań i 19 usunięć

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@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ class LocalController extends Controller {
public function streamTag(string $hashtag, int $since = 0, int $limit = 5): DataResponse {
try {
$posts = $this->streamService->getStreamLocalTag($this->viewer, $hashtag, $since, $limit);
$posts = $this->streamService-> getStreamLocalTag($hashtag, $since, $limit);
return $this->success($posts);
} catch (Exception $e) {

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@ -369,7 +369,6 @@ class StreamRequest extends StreamRequestBuilder {
$qb->andWhere($qb->exprLimitToDBField('type', SocialAppNotification::TYPE, false));
$qb->limitToViewer('sd', 'f', false);
$qb->andWhere($expr->eq('f.object_id_prim', 'ca.id_prim'));
@ -539,7 +538,6 @@ class StreamRequest extends StreamRequestBuilder {
* - direct message related to a tag (not yet)
* - message to followers related to a tag (not yet)
* @param Person $actor
* @param string $hashtag
* @param int $since
* @param int $limit
@ -547,23 +545,22 @@ class StreamRequest extends StreamRequestBuilder {
* @return Stream[]
* @throws DateTimeException
public function getTimelineTag(Person $actor, string $hashtag, int $since = 0, int $limit = 5
): array {
public function getTimelineTag(string $hashtag, int $since = 0, int $limit = 5): array {
$qb = $this->getStreamSelectSql();
// TODO - rewrite the whole method ?
$on = $this->exprJoinFollowing($qb, $actor);
$on->add($this->exprLimitToRecipient($qb, ACore::CONTEXT_PUBLIC, false));
$on->add($this->exprLimitToRecipient($qb, $actor->getId(), true));
$qb->join($this->defaultSelectAlias, CoreRequestBuilder::TABLE_FOLLOWS, 'f', $on);
$qb->andWhere($this->exprValueWithinJsonFormat($qb, 'hashtags', '' . $hashtag));
$expr = $qb->expr();
$qb->innerJoinCacheActors('ca', 's.attributed_to_prim');
$qb->limitPaginate($since, $limit);
// $this->filterHiddenOnTimeline($qb);
$this->leftJoinCacheActors($qb, 'attributed_to');
$qb->andWhere($qb->exprLimitToDBField('type', Note::TYPE));
$qb->limitToViewer('sd', 'f', true);
$qb->andWhere($expr->eq('s.attributed_to_prim', 'ca.id_prim'));
// TODO: Sql optimisation - Create a table like stream_dest for to link 'hashtag' to 'stream_id'
$qb->andWhere($this->exprValueWithinJsonFormat($qb, 'hashtags', '' . $hashtag));
return $this->getStreamsFromRequest($qb);

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@ -478,9 +478,8 @@ class StreamService {
* @return Note[]
* @throws Exception
public function getStreamLocalTag(Person $actor, string $hashtag, int $since = 0, int $limit = 5
): array {
return $this->streamRequest->getTimelineTag($actor, $hashtag, $since, $limit);
public function getStreamLocalTag(string $hashtag, int $since = 0, int $limit = 5): array {
return $this->streamRequest->getTimelineTag($hashtag, $since, $limit);