
200 wiersze
4.8 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

<DashboardWidget :items="items"
:loading="state === 'loading'">
<template #empty-content>
<template #desc>
{{ emptyContentMessage }}
<div v-if="state === 'error'" class="connect-button">
<a class="button" :href="appUrl">
{{ t('social', 'Go to Social app') }}
import axios from '@nextcloud/axios'
import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
import { showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
import { DashboardWidget } from '@nextcloud/vue-dashboard'
import EmptyContent from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/EmptyContent'
export default {
name: 'Dashboard',
components: {
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
notifications: [],
showMoreUrl: generateUrl('/apps/social/timeline/notifications'),
showMoreText: t('social', 'Social notifications'),
loop: null,
state: 'loading',
appUrl: generateUrl('/apps/social')
computed: {
items() {
return => {
return {
targetUrl: this.getNotificationTarget(n),
avatarUrl: this.getAvatarUrl(n),
avatarUsername: this.getActorName(n),
overlayIconUrl: this.getNotificationTypeImage(n),
mainText: this.getMainText(n),
subText: this.getSubline(n)
lastTimestamp() {
return this.notifications.length
? this.notifications[0].publishedTime
: 0
emptyContentMessage() {
if (this.state === 'error') {
return t('social', 'Error getting Social notifications')
} else if (this.state === 'ok') {
return t('social', 'No Social notifications!')
return ''
emptyContentIcon() {
if (this.state === 'error') {
return 'icon-close'
} else if (this.state === 'ok') {
return 'icon-checkmark'
return 'icon-checkmark'
beforeMount() {
this.loop = setInterval(() => this.fetchNotifications(), 10000)
methods: {
fetchNotifications() {
const req = {
params: {
limit: 10
const url = generateUrl('/apps/social/api/v1/stream/notifications')
// TODO check why 'since' param is in fact 'until'
/* if (this.lastDate) {
req.params.since = this.lastTimestamp,
} */
axios.get(url, req).then((response) => {
if ( {
this.state = 'ok'
} else {
this.state = 'error'
}).catch((error) => {
if (error.response?.status && error.response.status >= 400) {
showError(t('social', 'Failed to get Social notifications'))
this.state = 'error'
} else {
// there was an error in notif processing
processNotifications(newNotifications) {
if (this.lastTimestamp !== 0) {
// just add those which are more recent than our most recent one
let i = 0
while (i < newNotifications.length && this.lastTimestamp < newNotifications[i].publishedTime) {
if (i > 0) {
const toAdd = this.filter(newNotifications.slice(0, i))
this.notifications = toAdd.concat(this.notifications)
} else {
// first time, we don't check the date
this.notifications = this.filter(newNotifications)
filter(notifications) {
return notifications
// TODO check if we need to filter
/* return notifications.filter((n) => {
return (n.type === 'something' || n.subtype === 'somethingElse')
}) */
getMainText(n) {
if (n.subtype === 'Follow') {
return t('social', '{account} is following you', { account: this.getActorName(n) })
getAvatarUrl(n) {
return undefined
// TODO get external and internal avatars
/* return this.getActorAccountName(n)
? generateUrl('???')
: undefined */
getActorName(n) {
return n.actor_info && n.actor_info.type === 'Person' && n.actor_info.preferredUsername
? n.actor_info.preferredUsername
: ''
getActorAccountName(n) {
return n.actor_info && n.actor_info.type === 'Person' && n.actor_info.account
? n.actor_info.account
: ''
getNotificationTarget(n) {
if (n.subtype === 'Follow') {
return generateUrl('/apps/social/@' + this.getActorAccountName(n) + '/')
return this.showMoreUrl
getSubline(n) {
if (n.subtype === 'Follow') {
return this.getActorAccountName(n)
return ''
getNotificationTypeImage(n) {
if (n.subtype === 'Follow') {
return generateUrl('/svg/social/add_user')
return ''
<style scoped lang="scss">
::v-deep .connect-button {
margin-top: 10px;