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# Integrating with Rails
This page explains how to integrate Shoelace with a Rails app. This is a community-maintained document. For questions about this integration, please [ask the community](/resources/community).
## Requirements
This integration has been tested with the following:
- Rails >= 6
- Node >= 12.10
- Webpacker >= 5
## Instructions
To get started using Shoelace with Rails, the following packages must be installed.
yarn add @shoelace-style/shoelace copy-webpack-plugin
### Importing the Default Theme
The next step is to import Shoelace's default theme (stylesheet) in `app/javascript/stylesheets/application.scss`.
@import '~@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/themes/base';
### Importing Required Scripts
After importing the theme, you'll need to import the JavaScript files for Shoelace. Add the following code to `app/javascript/packs/application.js`.
import '../stylesheets/application.scss'
import { setBasePath, SlAlert, SlAnimation, SlButton, ... } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace'
// ...
const rootUrl = document.currentScript.src.replace(/\/packs.*$/, '')
// Path to the assets folder (should be independent from the current script source path
// to work correctly in different environments)
setBasePath(rootUrl + '/packs/js/')
### webpack Config
Next we need to add Shoelace's assets to the final build output. To do this, modify `config/webpack/environment.js` to look like this.
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
// Shoelace config
const path = require('path')
const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')
// Add shoelace assets to webpack's build process
new CopyPlugin({
patterns: [
from: path.resolve(
to: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../public/packs/js/assets')
module.exports = environment
### Adding Pack Tags
The final step is to add the corresponding `pack_tags` to the page. You should have the following `tags` in the `<head>` section of `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb`.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- ... -->
<%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<body><%= yield %></body>
Now you can start using Shoelace components with Rails!
## Additional Resources
- There is a third-party [example repo](, courtesy of [ParamagicDev]( available to help you get started.
- If you would like to avoid repeating this process, check out the associated [Railsbyte for Shoelace](