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Multi-Range Multi-Ranges allow the user to select multiple values within a given range using a slider with multiple handles.
import SlRange from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/multi-range';

const App = () => <SlRange />;


Min, Max, and Step

Use the min and max attributes to set the range's minimum and maximum values, respectively. The step attribute determines the value's interval when increasing and decreasing.

<sl-multi-range min="1" max="10" step="1" value="0,10"></sl-multi-range>

{% raw %}

import SlRange from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/multi-range';

const App = () => <SlRange min={1} max={10} step={1} value={[0,10]}/>;

{% endraw %}


Use the disabled attribute to disable a slider.

<sl-multi-range disabled></sl-multi-range>
import SlRange from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/multi-range';

const App = () => <SlRange disabled />;

Arbitrary Number of Handles

You can use any number of handles on the slider. The slider will have one handle for every element in the value array.

<sl-multi-range value="25,50,75"></sl-multi-range>

{% raw %}

import SlRange from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/multi-range';

const App = () => <SlRange value={[25,50,75]} />;

{% endraw %}

Label and Help Text

You can add an accessible label and/or descriptive help text using the label and help-text attributes or slots.

<sl-multi-range label="Difficulty Range" help-text="Search for challenges within the desired difficulty range"></sl-multi-range>
import SlRange from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/multi-range';

const App = () => <SlRange label="Difficulty Range" help-text="Search for challenges within the desired difficulty range" />;

Custom Track Colors

You can customize the active and inactive portions of the track using the --track-color-active and --track-color-inactive custom properties.

		--track-color-active: var(--sl-color-green-300);
		--track-color-inactive: var(--sl-color-red-300);

{% raw %}

import SlRange from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/multi-range';

const App = () => <SlRange value={[25,75]} style={{
	'--track-color-active': 'var(--sl-color-green-300)',
	'--track-color-inactive': 'var(--sl-color-red-300)'

{% endraw %}