
1.5 KiB

Tab Panel


Tab panels are used inside tab groups to display tabbed content.

  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="general">General</sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="custom">Custom</sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="advanced">Advanced</sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</sl-tab>

  <sl-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
import { SlTab, SlTabGroup, SlTabPanel } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react';

const App = () => (
    <SlTab slot="nav" panel="general">General</SlTab>
    <SlTab slot="nav" panel="custom">Custom</SlTab>
    <SlTab slot="nav" panel="advanced">Advanced</SlTab>
    <SlTab slot="nav" panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</SlTab>

    <SlTabPanel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</SlTabPanel>
    <SlTabPanel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</SlTabPanel>
    <SlTabPanel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</SlTabPanel>
    <SlTabPanel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</SlTabPanel>

?> Additional demonstrations can be found in the tab group examples.
