
2.1 KiB



Alerts are used to display important messages.

Alerts are designed to be shown dynamically, so you need to include the open attribute to display them.

<sl-alert open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
  This is a standard alert. You can customize its content and even the icon.



Set the type attribute to change the alert's type.

<sl-alert type="primary" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
  <strong>This is super informative</strong><br>
  You can tell by how pretty the alert is.


<sl-alert type="success" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="check2-circle"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Your changes have been saved</strong><br>
  You can safely exit the app now.


<sl-alert type="info" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="gear"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Your settings have been updated</strong><br>
  Some settings will take affect the next time you log in.


<sl-alert type="warning" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-triangle"></sl-icon>
  <strong>This will end your session</strong><br>
  You will be logged out until you log in again.


<sl-alert type="danger" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-octagon"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Delete this file?</strong><br>
  This is permanent, which means forever!


Add the closable attribute to show a close button that will hide the alert.

<sl-alert type="primary" open closable class="alert-closable">
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
  You can close this alert any time!

  const alert = document.querySelector('.alert-closable');
  alert.addEventListener('slAfterHide', () => {
    setTimeout(() => = true, 2000);

Without Icons

Icons are optional. Simply omit the icon slot if you don't want them.

<sl-alert type="primary" open>
  Nothing fancy here, just a simple alert.
