
sane-canon630u(5)        SANE Scanner Access Now Easy        sane-canon630u(5)


       sane-canon630u - SANE backend for the Canon 630u USB flatbed scanner


       The  sane-canon  library  implements  a  SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
       backend that provides access to the following Canon flatbed scanners:

              CanoScan 630u
              CanoScan 636u (hopefully)

       IMPORTANT: this is alpha code.  Although there are  no  known  bugs  at
       this  time, this code uses the Linux USB kernel drivers, which are cur-
       rently in active development.  So it may not work, your computer  might
       even  hang, and it cannot be excluded (although I consider it extremely
       unprobable) that your scanner will be damaged.

       That said, TESTERS ARE WELCOME. Send your bug reports and  comments  to
       Nathan Rutman <>


       This backend expects device names of the form:


       Where  special is the path-name for the special device that corresponds
       to a USB scanner or a symlink to such a device.  The program sane-find-
       scanner  helps  to  find  out  the  correct device. Under Linux, such a
       device name could be /dev/usb/scanner0 for  example.   See  sane-usb(5)
       for details.


       The  contents of the canon630u.conf file is a list of device names that
       correspond to Canon USB scanners.  Empty lines and lines starting  with
       a  hash  mark  (#)  are ignored.  Only one device name can be listed in


       Due to Canon's unwillingness to  provide  scanner  documentation,  this
       software was developed by analyzing the USB traffic of the Windows 2000
       driver.  So things like the calibration procedure I kind of made up; it
       seems to work for my scanner.  If you have complaints, let me know.

       This  driver  requires the ability to send USB Control Messages, avail-
       able in kernel 2.4.12 or later.

       This scanner may not be recognized (yet)  by  the  USB  kernel  driver.
       Check   for   "Driver=usbscanner"   under   /proc/bus/usb/devices.   If
       "Driver=(none)", try forcing it with  "modprobe  scanner  vendor=0x04a9


              The   backend   configuration  file  (see  also  description  of
              SANE_CONFIG_DIR below).

              The static library implementing this backend.

              The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems
              that support dynamic loading).

              The  calibration  file used to normalize pixel brightness.  This
              is calculated every time the scanner is first used after it  has
              lost  power.  It can be forced to recalibrate by simply deleting
              this file.


              This environment variable specifies the list of directories that
              may contain the configuration file.  Under UNIX, the directories
              are separated by a colon (`:'), under OS/2, they  are  separated
              by a semi-colon (`;').  If this variable is not set, the config-
              uration file is searched in two default directories: first,  the
              current     working     directory     (".")    and    then    in
              /usr/local/etc/sane.d.  If the value of the environment variable
              ends  with  the  directory separator character, then the default
              directories are searched after the explicitly specified directo-
              ries.   For  example,  setting SANE_CONFIG_DIR to "/tmp/config:"
              would   result   in   directories   "tmp/config",    ".",    and
              "/usr/local/etc/sane.d" being searched (in this order).

              If  the  library  was  compiled with debug support enabled, this
              environment variable controls the debug level for this  backend.
              Higher debug levels increase the verbosity of the output.

              Example: SANE_DEBUG_CANON630U=12 scanimage > /dev/null


       sane(7), sane-usb(5), sane-find-scanner(1)


       Nathan Rutman

sane-backends 1.0.13              06 Apr 2002                sane-canon630u(5)

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