
sane-find-scanner(1)     SANE Scanner Access Now Easy     sane-find-scanner(1)


       sane-find-scanner - find SCSI and USB scanners and their device files


       sane-find-scanner  [-?|-h|--help]  [-v]  [-q]  [-p]  [-f] [-F filename]


       sane-find-scanner is a command-line tool to find SCSI and USB  scanners
       and  determine their Unix device files. Its primary aim is to make sure
       that scanners can be detected by SANE backends.

       For SCSI scanners, it checks the  default  generic  SCSI  device  files
       (e.g.,  /dev/sg0) and /dev/scanner.  The test is done by sending a SCSI
       inquiry command and looking for a device type of "scanner" or  "proces-
       sor"   (some   old   HP   scanners   seem   to  send  "processor").  So
       sane-find-scanner will find any SCSI scanner connected to those default
       device files even if it isn't supported by any SANE backend.

       For  USB  scanners,  first  the  USB  kernel scanner device files (e.g.
       /dev/usb/scanner0), /dev/usb/scanner, and /dev/usbscanner) are  tested.
       The  files  are opened and the vendor and device ids are determined, if
       the operating system supports this feature. Currently USB scanners  are
       only  found  this way if they are supported by the Linux scanner module
       or  the  FreeBSD  or  OpenBSD  uscanner  driver.   After   that   test,
       sane-find-scanner  tries  to  scan  for  USB  devices  found by the USB
       library libusb (if available). There is no special USB class for  scan-
       ners,  so  the  heuristics  used to distinguish scanners from other USB
       devices is not perfect.  sane-find-scanner also tries to find  out  the
       type  of  USB chip used in the scanner. If detected, it will be printed
       after the vendor and product ids.  sane-find-scanner will even find USB
       scanners, that are not supported by any SANE backend.

       sane-find-scanner  won't  find most parallel port scanners, or scanners
       connected to proprietary ports. Some  parallel  port  scanners  may  be
       detected  by  sane-find-scanner  -p.   At the time of writing this will
       only detect Mustek parallel port scanners.


       -?, -h, --help
               Prints a short usage message.

       -v      Verbose output. If used  once,  sane-find-scanner  shows  every
               device  name  and the test result.  If used twice, SCSI inquiry
               information and the USB device descriptors are also printed.

       -q      Be quiet. Print only the devices, no comments.

       -p      Probe parallel port scanners.

       -f      Force opening all explicitly given  devices  as  SCSI  and  USB
               devices.  That's useful if sane-find-scanner is wrong in deter-
               mining the device type.

       -F filename
               filename is a file that contains USB descriptors in the  format
               of  /proc/bus/usb/devices  as used by Linux.  sane-find-scanner
               tries to identify the chipset(s) of all USB scanners  found  in
               such a file. This option is useful for developers when the out-
               put of "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices" is available but the scanner
               itself isn't.

       devname Test  device  file  "devname".  No other devices are checked if
               devname is given.


       sane-find-scanner -v
       Check all SCSI and USB devices for available scanners and print a  line
       for every device file.

       sane-find-scanner /dev/scanner
       Look for a (SCSI) scanner only at /dev/scanner and print the result.

       sane-find-scanner -p
       Probe for parallel port scanners.


       sane(7),   sane-scsi(5),   sane-usb(5),   scanimage(1),  xscanimage(1),
       xsane(1), sane-"backendname"(5)


       Oliver Rauch, Henning Meier-Geinitz and others


       USB support is limited to  Linux  (kernel,  libusb),  FreeBSD  (kernel,
       libusb),  NetBSD (libusb), OpenBSD (kernel, libusb). Detecting the ven-
       dor and device ids only works with Linux or libusb.

       SCSI support is available on Irix,  EMX,  Linux,  Next,  AIX,  Solaris,
       FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and HP-UX.


       No support for most parallel port scanners yet.
       Detection of USB chipsets is limited to a few chipsets.

                                  13 Jul 2008             sane-find-scanner(1)

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