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S3Proxy allows applications using the S3 API to access other storage backends, e.g., local file system, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack Swift.


Users can download releases from GitHub. One can also build the project by running mvn package which produces a binary at target/s3proxy. S3Proxy requires Java 7 to run.


Configure S3Proxy via a properties file. An example using the local file system as the storage backend with anonymous access:


First create the filesystem basedir:

mkdir /tmp/s3proxy

Next run S3Proxy. Linux and Mac OS X users can run the executable jar:

chmod +x s3proxy
s3proxy --properties s3proxy.conf

Windows users must explicitly invoke java:

java -jar s3proxy --properties s3proxy.conf

Finally test by creating a bucket then listing all the buckets:

$ curl --request PUT http://localhost:8080/testbucket

$ curl http://localhost:8080/
<?xml version="1.0" ?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><Owner><ID>75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a</ID><DisplayName>CustomersName@amazon.com</DisplayName></Owner><Buckets><Bucket><Name>testbucket</Name><CreationDate>2015-08-05T22:16:24.000Z</CreationDate></Bucket></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>

See the wiki for examples of other providers.

Supported storage backends

  • atmos
  • aws-s3
  • azureblob
  • filesystem (on-disk storage)
  • google-cloud-storage
  • hpcloud-objectstorage
  • openstack-swift
  • rackspace-cloudfiles-uk and rackspace-cloudfiles-us
  • s3
  • swift and swift-keystone (legacy)
  • transient (in-memory storage)


S3Proxy does not support:

  • AWS signature V4, see #24
  • POST uploads, see #73
  • object server-side encryption
  • object versioning, see #74
  • XML ACLs

S3Proxy emulates the following operations:

  • multi-part uploads, see #2
  • copy objects, see #46

The wiki collects other compatability notes.


  • Apache jclouds provides object store support for S3Proxy
  • Ceph s3-tests help maintain and improve compatibility with the S3 API
  • fake-s3 and S3 ninja provide functionality similar to S3Proxy when using the filesystem provider
  • Another project named s3proxy provides HTTP access to non-S3-aware applications
  • GlacierProxy and SwiftProxy provide similar functionality for the Amazon Glacier and OpenStack Swift APIs
  • s3proxydocker packages S3Proxy as a Docker container
  • swift3 provides an S3 middleware for OpenStack Swift


Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Andrew Gaul

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0