
1.2 KiB


To contribute to this tool, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd s3-credentials
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Or if you are using pipenv:

pipenv shell

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:


Any changes to the generated policies require an update to the README using Cog:

cog -r README.md

Integration tests

The main tests all use stubbed interfaces to AWS, so will not make any outbound API calls.

There is also a suite of integration tests in tests/test_integration.py which DO make API calls to AWS, using credentials from your environment variables or ~/.aws/credentials file.

These tests are skipped by default. If you have AWS configured with an account that has permission to run the actions required by s3-credentials (create users, roles, buckets etc) you can run these tests using:

pytest --integration

The tests will create a number of different users and buckets and should then delete them once they finish running.