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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A collection of frequently asked questions with answers!

If you have a question & have found an answer, send a PR to add it here!

How should I specify another version of Python 3?

Currently the best way to do this is by using a conda environment.yml file and setting the language to whichever version of Python you like.

Can I use repo2docker to bootstrap my own Dockerfile?

No, you can't.

If you pass the --debug flag to repo2docker, it outputs the intermediate Dockerfile that is used to build the docker image. While it is tempting to copy this as a base for your own Dockerfile, that is not supported & in most cases will not work. The --debug output is just our intermediate generated Dockerfile, and is meant to be built in a very specific way. Hence the output of --debug can not be built with a normal docker build -t . or similar traditional docker command.

Check out the binder-examples github organization for example Dockerfiles you can copy & modify for your own use!