Merge branch 'main' of

Hank Grabowski 2023-05-10 14:06:14 -04:00
commit c714bde59d
2 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
## Unreleased
* Changes
* Fixes
* New Features
## Version 0.6.0 (beta), 10 Map 2023
* Changes
* API calls now have timeouts of 30 seconds
* Splash screen shows while app is loading the initial account then it brings up timelines/etc. rather than waiting

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ For more information about the current beta testing program
# Latest Binaries:
* [Android v0.5.0](
* iPhone/iPad v0.5.0: This is only available through TestFlight. Please contact me for access.
* [Windows (Intel) v0.5.0](
* macOS v0.5.0:This is only available through TestFlight. Please contact me for access.
* [Linux (Intel Ubuntu 20) v0.5.0](
* [Linux (Intel Ubuntu 22) v0.5.0](
* [Android v0.6.0](
* iPhone/iPad v0.6.0: This is only available through TestFlight. Please contact me for access.
* [Windows (Intel) v0.6.0](
* macOS v0.6.0:This is only available through TestFlight. Please contact me for access.
* [Linux (Intel Ubuntu 20) v0.6.0](
* [Linux (Intel Ubuntu 22) v0.6.0](
## Mobile