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Arduini IDE

Get the latest Arduino IDE software from arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

ESP32 support

File -> Preferences (or Arduino -> Preferences on MacOS)

go to "Additional Board Manager URLs"

Add https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json and press oK

Tool -> Boad -> Boards Manager

search for "esp32"

Install "esp32 by Espressif Systems"

ESP32 Flash Filesystem Upload support

Get the zip file of the latest release from https://github.com/me-no-dev/arduino-esp32fs-plugin/releases/

Unzip the content to the tools folder of your Arduino IDE (~/Documents/Arduino/tools on MacOS, similar on other OS) and restart IDE

Additional libraries

Select Tools -> Library Manager

Install "U8g2"

Additional libraries, part 2

From https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer select "Download ZIP", extract to the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE (~/Documents/Arduino/libraries on MacOS), rename main folder to ESPAsyncWebServer (remove the "-master")

From https://github.com/me-no-dev/AsyncTCP select "Download ZIP", extract to the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE, and rename main folder to AsyncTCP

Additional libraries, part 3

Copy the libraries/SX1278FSK and libraries/SondeLib folder of this project to your Arduino IDE's libraries folders, or, alternatively, create symbolic links (MacOS/Linux):

cd ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries ln -s /rdz_ttgo_sonde/libraries/SondeLib/ . ln -s /rdz_ttgo_sonde/libraries/SX1278FSK/ .

Restart the Arduino IDE

(symbolic links are the preferred way, otherwise you have to copy the the libraries again after each update)

Final steps

In the IDE Tools -> Board: -> Select "TTGO LoRa32-OLED v1"

Compile and Upload code

Upload data to SPIFFS with Tools -> ESP32 Sketch Data Upload