
1.9 KiB

Application Support by Element

For elements that are included in the official DTD, we will highlight applications offering production support. Links should point to a public announcement or production example.


Transcript <podcast:transcript>

  1. Buzzsprout
  2. Podcast Addict
  3. Podfriend
  4. Podnews
  5. Podcastindex

Locked <podcast:locked>

  1. Buzzsprout
  2. Podnews
  3. Podcastindex

Funding <podcast:funding>

  1. Buzzsprout
  2. Podfriend
  3. Podverse
  4. Podcastindex
  5. podStation

Chapters <podcast:chapters>

  1. Podcast Chapters
  2. Podfriend
  3. Hypercatcher
  4. PodcastAddict
  5. Buzzsprout
  6. Podverse
  7. Podcastindex

Soundbites <podcast:soundbite>

  1. Buzzsprout
  2. Podverse