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Web Monetization using <podcast:value/>

To enable and promote Web Monetization (WM) in podcasting, necessary information for WM could be provided for a podcast by adding a <podcast:value/> tag to the RSS feed. https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/value/value.md

This value tag would have the following values for use with Web Monetization:


The podcast:value.type defines the cryptocurrency or protocol layer, which in this case is used to define Web Monetization payment information, using the value of webmonetization.

The method of ILP specifies the use of Interledger Protocol (ILP) which is the protocol for payment providers in WM.

Within the podcast:value tag we also need to designate recipients. In Web Monetization, payment info is discovered using the Simple Payment Setup Protocol with which the Open Payments protocol is designed to be backwards compatible.

Both SPSP and Open Payments use a recipient address in the form of a Payment Pointer which will be provided in the address attribute, with the type of paymentpointer.


While payments in WM are streamed to a single payment pointer at a time, the WM authors suggest splits can be implemented using Probabilistic Revenue Sharing or perhaps it should be implemented at the payment pointer rather than expecting the client to be responsible. In either case, the podcast:value and podcast:valueRecipient tags can provide sufficient information for a web player or page to setup Web Monetization for the podcast.

Current podcast:value\

https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/value/value.md https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/value/valueslugs.txt

Web Monetization and Podcasting Discussion

https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/issues/132 https://github.com/WICG/webmonetization/issues/70

Background WM (i.e. for podcast audio playing on a background tab)

https://github.com/coilhq/web-monetization-projects/issues/387 https://github.com/WICG/webmonetization/issues/17

PRX Player Implementation (in production)

Player repository: https://github.com/PRX/Play-Next.js Component to implement monetization: https://github.com/PRX/Play-Next.js/tree/main/components/Player/WebMonetized Parsing webmonetization from the RSS feed: https://github.com/PRX/Play-Next.js/blob/main/lib/parse/data/parseEmbedData.ts#L33-L40

Castopod Implementation

https://podlibre.social/@Castopod/105278541687633547 https://blog.castopod.org/castopod-supports-web-monetization/ https://github.com/ad-aures/castopod/blob/v1.0.0-beta.14/app/Helpers/rss_helper.php#L85-L95

PodStation Planning by Guilherme Dellagustin
