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Contributing to Planetiler

Pull requests are welcome! To set up your development environment:

  • Fork the repo
  • Install Java 16 or later. You can download Java manually from Adoptium or use:
  • Build and run the tests (mvnw automatically downloads maven the first time you run it):
    • on max/linux: ./mvnw clean test
    • on windows: mvnw.cmd clean test
    • or if you already have maven installed globally on your machine: mvn clean test

To edit the code:

  • Install IntelliJ IDE
  • In IntelliJ, click Open, navigate to the the pom.xml file in the local copy of this repo, and Open then Open as Project
    • If IntelliJ asks (and you trust the code) then click Trust Project
    • If any java source files show "Cannot resolve symbol..." errors for Planetiler classes, you might need to select: File -> Invalidate Caches... -> Just Restart.
    • If you see a "Project JDK is not defined" error, then choose Setup SDK and point IntelliJ at the Java 16 or later installed on your system
  • Recommended: Under Preferences -> Tools -> Actions on Save (or File -> Settings -> Tools -> Actions on Save on Linux) select Reformat code and Optimize imports to automatically format code on save.
  • To verify everything works correctly, right click on planetiler-core/src/test/java folder and click Run 'All Tests'

Any pull request should:

  • Include at least one unit test to verify the change in behavior
  • Include an end-to-end test in to verify any major new user-facing features work
  • Use IntelliJ's auto-formatting for modified files (this should get enabled automatically)
  • Be free of IntelliJ warnings for modified files

GitHub Workflows will run regression tests on any pull request.

TODO: Set up checkstyle and an auto-formatter to enforce standards, so you can use any IDE.