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3.3 KiB

#include "pico_graphics.hpp"
namespace pimoroni {
PicoGraphics_PenP4::PicoGraphics_PenP4(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, void *frame_buffer)
: PicoGraphics(width, height, frame_buffer) {
this->pen_type = PEN_P4;
if(this->frame_buffer == nullptr) {
this->frame_buffer = (void *)(new uint8_t[buffer_size(width, height)]);
for(auto i = 0u; i < 16; i++) {
palette[i] = {
uint8_t(i << 4),
uint8_t(i << 4),
uint8_t(i << 4)
void PicoGraphics_PenP4::set_pen(uint c) {
color = c & 0xf;
void PicoGraphics_PenP4::set_pen(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
int pen = RGB(r, g, b).closest(palette, 16);
if(pen != -1) color = pen;
int PicoGraphics_PenP4::update_pen(uint8_t i, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
i &= 0xf;
palette[i] = {r, g, b};
return i;
void PicoGraphics_PenP4::set_pixel(const Point &p) {
// pointer to byte in framebuffer that contains this pixel
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)frame_buffer;
uint8_t *f = &buf[(p.x / 2) + (p.y * bounds.w / 2)];
uint8_t o = (~p.x & 0b1) * 4; // bit offset within byte
uint8_t m = ~(0b1111 << o); // bit mask for byte
uint8_t b = color << o; // bit value shifted to position
*f &= m; // clear bits
*f |= b; // set value
void PicoGraphics_PenP4::set_pixel_dither(const Point &p, const RGB &c) {
if(!bounds.contains(p)) return;
static uint pattern[16] = // dither pattern
{0, 8, 2, 10, 12, 4, 14, 6, 3, 11, 1, 9, 15, 7, 13, 5};
static std::array<uint8_t, 16> candidates;
get_dither_candidates(c, palette, 256, candidates);
// find the pattern coordinate offset
uint pattern_index = (p.x & 0b11) | ((p.y & 0b11) << 2);
// set the pixel
color = candidates[pattern[pattern_index]];
void PicoGraphics_PenP4::scanline_convert(PenType type, conversion_callback_func callback) {
if(type == PEN_RGB565) {
// Cache the RGB888 palette as RGB565
RGB565 cache[16];
for(auto i = 0u; i < 16; i++) {
cache[i] = palette[i].to_rgb565();
// Treat our void* frame_buffer as uint8_t
uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)frame_buffer;
// Allocate a per-row temporary buffer
uint16_t row_buf[bounds.w];
for(auto y = 0; y < bounds.h; y++) {
/*if(scanline_interrupt != nullptr) {
// Cache the RGB888 palette as RGB565
for(auto i = 0u; i < 16; i++) {
cache[i] = palette[i].to_rgb565();
for(auto x = 0; x < bounds.w; x++) {
uint8_t c = src[(bounds.w * y / 2) + (x / 2)];
uint8_t o = (~x & 0b1) * 4; // bit offset within byte
uint8_t b = (c >> o) & 0xf; // bit value shifted to position
row_buf[x] = cache[b];
// Callback to the driver with the row data
callback(row_buf, bounds.w * sizeof(RGB565));